Kontributet e përdoruesit për Jaqeli
Results for Jaqeli diskutoni regjistri i bllokimeve ngarkimet regjistra global block log global account Shpërdoro gjurmët e kyçjes
A user with 5 edits. Account created on 12 qershor 2014.
5 janar 2016
- 01:575 janar 2016 01:57 ndrysh versione +31 Farnavaz I No edit summary
15 nëntor 2015
- 18:0315 nëntor 2015 18:03 ndrysh versione +986 R Farnavaz I n
19 korrik 2014
- 12:0819 korrik 2014 12:08 ndrysh versione +1 v Guglielmo Stendardo (Script) File renamed: File:GuglielmoStendardo.JPG → File:Guglielmo Stendardo.jpg
16 korrik 2014
- 19:1916 korrik 2014 19:19 ndrysh versione +25 v Stampa:Zona Kohore (Script) File renamed: File:2007-02-20 time zones white bck.svg → File:Standard time zones of the world (2007-02-20, white bck).svg File renaming criterion #6: Harmonize file names of a set of ima...
15 qershor 2014
- 22:2415 qershor 2014 22:24 ndrysh versione +2 v Sistemi koordinativ polar (Script) File renamed: File:Archimedian spiral.svg → File:Spiral of Archimedes.svg File renaming criterion #5: Correct obvious errors in file names (e.g. incorrect proper nouns...