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'''Cancer is a general term used for a group of more than 100 Diseases That Can affec any part of the body. Other terms are used synonymously tumor and neoplasm. Cancer is Known neither uncontrolled Growth of Tumor Cells That Produce one or neoplasm. Specialization tissue cells lose Kancerizuara That Will not belong and Control Mechanisms That Respond to limit cell normally stop. ↵ Cancer Can exceed the primary tumor in the form of secondary in form nor in historical in in a process called "metastasis". s. "Poped ed mollys word "tumor" is on Derived from the Latin ... Tumor - swelling, gjunge, inflated. ↵ produced by the abnormal proliferation of cells through the process of mitotic cell division '''.
'''Cancer is a general term used for a group of more than 100 Diseases That Can affec any part of the body. Other terms are used synonymously tumor and neoplasm. Cancer is Known neither uncontrolled Growth of Tumor Cells That Produce one or neoplasm. Specialization tissue cells lose Kancerizuara That Will not belong and Control Mechanisms That Respond to limit cell normally stop. ↵ Cancer Can exceed the primary tumor in the form of secondary in form nor in historical in in a process called "metastasis". s. "Poped ed mollys word "tumor" is on Derived from the Latin (Tumor - swelling, gjunge, inflated.) Which produced by the abnormal proliferation of cells through the process of mitotic cell division '''.

Tumoret zakonisht klasifikohen ne këto grupe :
Tumoret zakonisht klasifikohen ne këto grupe :

Versioni i datës 20 prill 2015 20:33

Cancer is a general term used for a group of more than 100 Diseases That Can affec any part of the body. Other terms are used synonymously tumor and neoplasm. Cancer is Known neither uncontrolled Growth of Tumor Cells That Produce one or neoplasm. Specialization tissue cells lose Kancerizuara That Will not belong and Control Mechanisms That Respond to limit cell normally stop. ↵ Cancer Can exceed the primary tumor in the form of secondary in form nor in historical in in a process called "metastasis". s. "Poped ed mollys word "tumor" is on Derived from the Latin (Tumor - swelling, gjunge, inflated.) ↵ Which produced by the abnormal proliferation of cells through the process of mitotic cell division .

Tumoret zakonisht klasifikohen ne këto grupe :

  1. ) BENINJE : kur ato kane rritje te ngadalte dhe kane një lokalizim te kufizuar specifike. Si shembull mund te merren : Nishanet, Nejset ETJ[1].
  2. ) MALINJE : nga latinishtja Malingnens-me veprim te keq ; Kur ato rriten shpejt dhe formoje Metastaza. Këto tumore ndërhyje ne funksionin normal te organeve ne te cilat ato janë lokalizuar duke shkaktuar shpesh edhe Vdekje.

Përgjithësisht fjala Kancer rrjedh nga latinishtja CANCER-gafforre. U përdor se pari nga Hipokriti i njohur edhe si babai i medicinës ne shek e V p.e.s. duke u bazuar ne faktin se tumoret përhapen ne trup ne mënyre te ngjashme te lëvizjes se gaforreve.

Njihen 4 tipa te Kancerave : KARCINOMAT, SARKOMAT, LEUKEMIA dhe LYMFOMA.

  • Karcinomat : janë kancere qe rrjedhin nga indet epiteliale dhe qe përfshijnë kancerin e lëkurës, gjëndrave, gjinjve dhe shume organeve te mbrendshme. Përfshijnë rreth 80-90 % te numrit te përgjithshëm te kancerave.
  • Sarkomat : janë tumore te indit lidhor.
  • Leucemia : është kancer i tipit qe karakterizohet me rritje shume te shpejt te numrit te leukociteve (rruzat e bardha te gjakut).
  1. ^ www.doktoriim.com