Legal cockfighting in 2024 under P. D. 449 Cockfighting Law of May 09, 1974 as amended by PD 1602-Republic Act 9287 in Guiguinto coliseum (January 9, 2024- post Covid-10 scene of a cockfight participated by bettors (sabungero); the arena (gradas) is made of brown garden soil flooring; participated by a) a referee called sentensyador or koyme, b) kristos take the bets (pusta), c) confronting two cocks (here, "Pulang linaw versus Bulik"), d) at "Meron and the Wala" (lyamado-dehado), e) the "Bet Taker" (promoter, matador or casador), f) the 2 opposing handlers (taga-bitaw ng panabong); h) the referee sentences the winning cock who would "tuka" 3 times against the dying game fowl, and lifts the former handing it to the winning handler; i) the finale is the payment of the bets by the kristos; prefatory to the cockfight is the "ulutan" in this "hackfight", followed by g) pagtatari by gaffers (Taga Tari) - metal spur (called gaffs) or knives is taped and tied to the left leg where the bird's natural spur has been partially removed - a single-edged blade (spur or tari) is herein used; h) the handler (tagabitaw) holds the game fowl and thereafter ascends the arena (gradas) for the actual cockfight).
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Legal cockfighting in 2024 under P. D. 449 Cockfighting Law of May 09, 1974 as amended by PD 1602-Republic Act 9287 in Guiguinto coliseum (January 9, 2024- post Covid-10 scene of a cockfight participated by bettors (sabungero); the arena (gradas) is made of brown garden soil flooring; participated by a) a referee called sentensyador or koyme, b) kristos take the bets (pusta), c) confronting two cocks (here, "Pulang linaw versus Buli...