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S L O W K I N G.
Under the GFDL 1.2: please note details below
Under the GFDL v1.2 (only option): any reproduction of this image, in any medium, must appear with a copy of, or full (hyperlinked) URL of the GFDL license. In addition, attribution of this image to "S L O W K I N G" is required and you are required to release the image (or any subsequent derivatives of it) under the GFDL v1.2. No other conditions may be added to, or removed from this license without the permission of the author and copyright holder.
If you require a less restrictive commercial license please email me, to negotiate terms.
Ju jepet leja për ta kopjuar, shpërndarë dhe/ose ndryshuar këtë dokument sipas kushteve të Licencës GNU për Dokumentim të Lirë, vetëm versioni 1.2 i publikuar nga Fondacioni Free Software; pa Seksione të Pandryshueshme, pa Tekste Kapakësh të Përparmë, dhe pa Tekste Kapakësh të Pasmë, të dhëna. Një kopje e kësaj license është përfshirë në seksionin e titulluar GNU Free Documentation License.
I personally created this media. All persons were photographed without deception, in a place where they had no reasonable expectation of privacy. Because identifiable persons are shown who have not consented to publication of this photograph or video, re-use of this media may be prohibited or restricted in your jurisdiction. See Commons:Photos of identifiable persons.