Then I opened the resulting SVG file in Inkscape, copy and pasted the Unicode π characters and modified those labels by hand, changed the line colors, brought the plot lines to the top, made all the lines 3 px wide, made the grid lines 2px wide and 50% transparency. I also manually reconnected the grid lines that were cut by the legend function, moved the legends down next to the graph, converted their example lines into directional arrow type lines, and put a white box behind the text instead of trying to cut the graph lines like gnuplot does.
# Set 1300×975 SVG output and filename# The font size (fsize) sets the size for the circles, too.setsamples400setterminalsvgenhancedsize1300975fname"Times"fsize36setoutput"sinc function (both).svg"# Set y axis limits so the plot doesn't go right to the edges of the graph setyrange[-0.3:1.1]setxrange[-6*pi:6*pi]setlmargin5setbmargin-10# No legend needed#set nokey# Add lightly-colored axis linessetyzeroaxissetxzeroaxis# Put a y-axis tic at every 0.2setytics0.2setmytics4# Put an x-axis tic at every integersetxtics5setformatx"%2.0f"setmxtics5# Put a second x-axis tic at every multiple of 2*pisetx2tics2*pisetformatx2"%2.0f"setmx2tics2setgridxx2ysetxticsnomirror# Format tics as digit with one decimal placesetformaty"%2.1f"# Plot as linesplotsin(x)/xwithlines,sin(pi*x)/(pi*x)withlines# Close the file (so I don't have to close gnuplot to view it)setoutput
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