PërshkrimiVinylite and corrosion applied in a horse hoof.jpg
English: Horse hoof. Equus
Technique of vinylite and corrosion. Allow the visualization of the vascular architecture of the body. Specimen on display at the Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP.
This file was published as the result of a partnership between the Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP, the RIDC NeuroMat and the Wikimedia Community User Group Brasil. This GLAM project is reported.
Magyar: A test érrendszerének megjelenítését lehetővé tevő vinil és korróziós technikával kikészített lópata a São Paulo Egyetem Állatorvosi Anatómiai Múzeumában
한국어: 물체의 관 구조를 보이게 하는 비닐라이트와 용식의 기법을 거친 말 발굽. 이 표본은 상파울루 대학교 수의해부학 박물관에서 전시 중이다.
English: Horse hoof, after technique of vinylite and corrosion, which allows for the visualization of the vascular architecture of the body. This specimen is on display at the University of São Paulo Museum of Veterinary Anatomy.
English: Horse hoof, after technique of vinylite and corrosion, which allows for the visualization of the vascular architecture of the body. This specimen is on display at the University of São Paulo Museum of Veterinary Anatomy.
Magyar: A test érrendszerének megjelenítését lehetővé tevő vinil és korróziós technikával kikészített lópata a São Paulo Egyetem Állatorvosi Anatómiai Múzeumában
This media was produced by the Museum of Veterinary Anatomy (FMVZ USP) and was licensed as Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0. The MAV is an organ of integration of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo. MAV-FMVZ USP asks to be cited as shown below. If the photographer name is mentioned, please, cite it after the museum's name. If not, just provide the reference to the museum.
Attribution in English: Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP / name of the photographer when stated Attribution in Portuguese: Museu de Anatomia Veterinária da FMVZ USP / nome do fotógrafo quando atribuído
Atribuim: Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP / name of the photographer when stated
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