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Rezultatet e kërkimit

Faqja me titullin Almash nuk ekziston. Kontrollo rezultatet e kërkimit më poshtë për të parë nëse tema trajtohet nën një titull tjetër.

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  • Thumbnail for Lista e vendbanimeve në Vojvodinë
    Vendndodhja Fati i zgjidhjes Etnia më e madhe </br> grupi (viti) Almaš Almash Ish fshat në Baçkë </br> (ndodhet midis Temerinit , </br> Nadalj dhe Gospođinci...
    105 KB (426 fjalë) - 9 janar 2023 00:46

Discover data on the topic

crop rotation: practice of growing a series of dissimilar or different types of crops in the same area in sequenced seasons
commutator: rotary electrical switch that periodically reverses the current direction between the rotor and the external circuit
companion planting: agricultural technique
exchange interaction of particles: quantum mechanical effect in which the expectation value of the distance when the wave functions of two or more indistinguishable particles overlap changes due to exchange symmetry of identical particles
Almásháza: village in Hungary
Almash: human settlement in Sharansky District, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia