Kjo skedë SVG përdor tekst i cili mund të përkthehet fare lehtë në gjuhën tënde përmes [toolforge:svgtranslate/File:Italy_1000_AD.svglink këtij mjeti] në mënyrë automatike. Lexo më tepër.
Gjithashtu ju mund ta shkarkoni këtë skedar dhe ta redaktoni manualisht përmes një tekst-editori.
Bjorklund, Oddvar; Holmboe, Haakon; Rohr, Anders (1970) Historical Atlas of the World, Barnes & Noble, NY, SBN: 389-00253-4.
In addition, a number of other sources were consulted in an effort to determine the following matters:
The extent of Venetian control over the cities of Dalmatia such as Zara and Spalato. Although the Venetians had been pushed off the mainland earlier, in the period around the year 1000, the Venetians made an effort to recover these cities.
The extent of Saracen control over Corsica and Sardinia. Information is sparse. The apparent situation is that the Muslims had several bases on the coasts of these islands, but did not control the countryside (such as they did in Sicily).
Whether or not the principalities of Capua and Benevento were separate states in the year 1000. Based on lists of their rulers (various Pandulfs and Landulfs), the answer seems to be "yes".
Who controlled the Balkans on the southeastern border of the Kingdom of Croatia. Candidates include Bulgaria, the Byzantine Empire, Croatia, and Serbia.
As noted, there is significant disagreement among sources on these questions.
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