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Moduli:SportsRankings/data/FIVB World Rankings

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local data = {}

-- information about other templates used by module
data.templates = { flagged_team_link = "vb" }

-- general information about ranking and website being cited
data.source = {
    url = "https://en.volleyballworld.com/volleyball/world-ranking/men", 
	title = "The FIVB World Ranking",
	website = "FIVB",
	language = "en"

-- date of latest update and previous one for movement
data.updated  = { 	day = 19, 	month = 'August',  year =2023 }
data.previous = { 	day = 1, 	month = 'January',  year =2023 }

-- see "Generating code" section on doc page for how to update the rankings

data.rankings = {
          { "Poland", 1, 0, 407.74 },
          { "United States", 2, 0, 375.29 },
          { "Italy", 3, 0, 359.02 },
          { "Brazil", 4, 0, 345.73 },
          { "Japan", 5, 0, 328.39 },
          { "France", 6, 0, 322.58 },
          { "Argentina", 7, 0, 304.96 },
          { "Slovenia", 8, 0, 284.58 },
          { "Serbia", 9, 0, 259.40 },
          { "Iran", 10, 0, 241.05 },
          { "Netherlands", 11, 0, 232.96 },
          { "Turkey", 12, 0, 208.46 },
          { "Ukraine", 13, 0, 199.81 },
          { "Cuba", 14, 0, 194.59 },
          { "Germany", 15, 0, 181.97 }, 
          { "Canada", 16, 0, 180.20 },
          { "Mexico", 17, 0, 179.82 },
          { "Tunisia", 18, 0, 166.68 },
          { "Qatar", 19, 0, 161.22 },
          { "Egypt", 20, 0, 156.90 },
          { "Czech Republic", 21, 0, 153.81 },
          { "Finland", 22, 0, 148.88 },
          { "Belgium", 23, 0, 147.51 },
          { "Chile", 24, 0, 143.84 },
          { "Portugal", 25, 0, 140.24 },
          { "China", 26, 0, 139.49 },
          { "Cameroon", 27, 0, 135.99 },
          { "South Korea", 28, 3, 135.48 },
          { "Puerto Rico", 29, -1, 134.82 },
          { "Bulgaria", 30, -1, 132.72 },
          { "Romania", 31, -1, 130.86 },
          { "Croatia", 32, 0, 128.79 },
          { "Spain", 33, 1, 126.98 },
          { "Greece", 34, 1, 126.85 },
          { "Dominican Republic", 35, -2, 126.65 },
          { "Switzerland", 36, 0, 124.63 },
          { "Australia", 37, 0, 118.27 }, 
          { "Montenegro", 38, 0, 111.63 },
          { "Estonia", 39, 0, 108.81 },
          { "Slovakia", 40, 0, 107.82 },
          { "Latvia", 41, 0, 105.46 },
          { "North Macedonia", 42, 0, 100.74 },
          { "Denmark", 43, 0, 98.96 },
          { "Chinese Taipei", 44, 0, 94.67 },
          { "Luxembourg", 45, 0, 83.50 },
          { "Azerbaijan", 46, 0, 83.33 },
          { "Hungary", 47, 0, 82.20 },
          { "Austria", 48, 0, 81.05 },
          { "Colombia", 49, 0, 71.23 },
          { "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 50, 0, 68.85 },
          { "Norway", 51, 0, 68.29 },
          { "Albania", 52, 0, 66.15 },
          { "Morocco", 53, 0, 65.16 },
          { "Pakistan", 54, 0, 62.02 },
          { "Venezuela", 55, 0, 60.50 },
          { "Vietnam", 56, 0, 57.90 },
          { "Cyprus", 57, 0, 52.80 },
          { "Philippines", 58, 0, 50.71 },
          { "Saudi Arabia", 59, 0, 49.30 },
          { "Sweden", 60, 2, 48.36 },
          { "Thailand", 61, -1, 48.14 },
          { "Sri Lanka", 62, 1, 48.01 },
          { "Macau", 63, 1, 45.08 },
          { "Israel", 64, 1, 43.82 },
          { "Peru", 65, 1, 43.72 },
          { "Kazakhstan", 66,-1, 43.69 },
          { "Mongolia", 67, -6, 41.72 },
          { "Indonesia", 68, 0, 41.68 },
          { "Kenya", 69, 0, 38.70 },
          { "Faroe Islands", 70, 0, 37.00 },
          { "Georgia", 71, 1, 36.86 },
          { "Hong Kong", 72, -2, 34.05 },
          { "Guatemala", 73, 1, 33.66 },
          { "Algeria", 74, 1, 33.63 },
          { "Uzbekistan", 75, 1, 32.99 },
          { "Bahrain", 76, 1, 32.06 },
          { "India", 77, -4, 32.08 },
          { "Iceland", 78, 0, 32.01 },
          { "Uganda", 79, 0, 29.72 },
          { "DR Congo", 80, 0, 29.06 },
          { "Suriname", 81, 0, 27.99 },
          { "Burundi", 82, 0, 25.37 },
          { "Rwanda", 83, 0, 24.12 },
          { "Trinidad and Tobago", 84, 0, 22.51 },

-- list of FIVB country codes
data.alias = { 
		 { "AFG",  "Afghanistan" },
        { "AIA",  "Anguilla" },
        { "ALB",  "Albania" },
        { "ALG",  "Algeria" },
        { "AND",  "Andorra" },
        { "ANG",  "Angola" },
        { "ARG",  "Argentina" },
        { "ARM",  "Armenia" },
        { "ARU",  "Aruba" },
        { "ASA",  "American Samoa" },
        { "ATG",  "Antigua and Barbuda" },
        { "AUS",  "Australia" },
        { "AUT",  "Austria" },
        { "AZE",  "Azerbaijan" },
        { "BAH",  "Bahamas" },
        { "BAN",  "Bangladesh" },
        { "BDI",  "Burundi" },
        { "BEL",  "Belgium" },
        { "BEN",  "Benin" },
        { "BER",  "Bermuda" },
        { "BFA",  "Burkina Faso" },
        { "BHR",  "Bahrain" },
        { "BHU",  "Bhutan" },
        { "BIH",  "Bosnia and Herzegovina" },
        { "BLR",  "Belarus" },
        { "BLZ",  "Belize" },
        { "BOL",  "Bolivia" },
        { "BOT",  "Botswana" },
        { "BRA",  "Brazil" },
        { "BRB",  "Barbados" },
        { "BRU",  "Brunei Darussalam" },
        { "BUL",  "Bulgaria" },
        { "CAM",  "Cambodia" },
        { "CAN",  "Canada" },
        { "CAY",  "Cayman Islands" },
        { "CGO",  "Congo" },
        { "CHA",  "Chad" },
        { "CHI",  "Chile" },
        { "CHN",  "China PR" },
        { "CIV",  "Côte d'Ivoire" },
        { "CMR",  "Cameroon" },
        { "COD",  "Congo DR" },
        { "COK",  "Cook Islands" },
        { "COL",  "Colombia" },
        { "COM",  "Comoros" },
        { "CPV",  "Cabo Verde" },
        { "CRC",  "Costa Rica" },
        { "CRO",  "Croatia" },
        { "CTA",  "Central African Republic" },
        { "CUB",  "Cuba" },
        { "CUW",  "Curaçao" },
        { "CYP",  "Cyprus" },
        { "CZE",  "Czechia" },
        { "DEN",  "Denmark" },
        { "DJI",  "Djibouti" },
        { "DMA",  "Dominica" },
        { "DOM",  "Dominican Republic" },
        { "ECU",  "Ecuador" },
        { "EGY",  "Egypt" },
        { "ENG",  "England" },
        { "EQG",  "Equatorial Guinea" },
        { "ERI",  "Eritrea" },
        { "ESP",  "Spain" },
        { "EST",  "Estonia" },
        { "ETH",  "Ethiopia" },
        { "FIJ",  "Fiji" },
        { "FIN",  "Finland" },
        { "FRA",  "France" },
        { "FRO",  "Faroe Islands" },
        { "GAB",  "Gabon" },
        { "GAM",  "The Gambia" },
        { "GEO",  "Georgia" },
        { "GER",  "Germany" },
        { "GHA",  "Ghana" },
        { "GIB",  "Gibraltar" },
        { "GNB",  "Guinea-Bissau" },
        { "GRE",  "Greece" },
        { "GRN",  "Grenada" },
        { "GUA",  "Guatemala" },
        { "GUI",  "Guinea" },
        { "GUM",  "Guam" },
        { "GUY",  "Guyana" },
        { "HAI",  "Haiti" },
        { "HKG",  "Hong Kong" },
        { "HON",  "Honduras" },
        { "HUN",  "Hungary" },
        { "IDN",  "Indonesia" },
        { "IND",  "India" },
        { "IRL",  "Republic of Ireland" },
        { "IRN",  "IR Iran" },
        { "IRQ",  "Iraq" },
        { "ISL",  "Iceland" },
        { "ISR",  "Israel" },
        { "ITA",  "Italy" },
        { "JAM",  "Jamaica" },
        { "JOR",  "Jordan" },
        { "JPN",  "Japan" },
        { "KAZ",  "Kazakhstan" },
        { "KEN",  "Kenya" },
        { "KGZ",  "Kyrgyz Republic" },
        { "KOR",  "Korea Republic" },
        { "KSA",  "Saudi Arabia" },
        { "KUW",  "Kuwait" },
        { "KOS",  "Kosovo" },
        { "LAO",  "Laos" },
        { "LBR",  "Liberia" },
        { "LBY",  "Libya" },
        { "LCA",  "St Lucia" },
        { "LES",  "Lesotho" },
        { "LBN",  "Lebanon" },
        { "LIE",  "Liechtenstein" },
        { "LTU",  "Lithuania" },
        { "LUX",  "Luxembourg" },
        { "LVA",  "Latvia" },
        { "MAC",  "Macau" },
        { "MAD",  "Madagascar" },
        { "MAR",  "Morocco" },
        { "MAS",  "Malaysia" },
        { "MDA",  "Moldova" },
        { "MDV",  "Maldives" },
        { "MEX",  "Mexico" },
        { "MKD",  "North Macedonia" },
        { "MLI",  "Mali" },
        { "MLT",  "Malta" },
        { "MNE",  "Montenegro" },
        { "MNG",  "Mongolia" },
        { "MOZ",  "Mozambique" },
        { "MRI",  "Mauritius" },
        { "MSR",  "Montserrat" },
        { "MTN",  "Mauritania" },
        { "MWI",  "Malawi" },
        { "MYA",  "Myanmar" },
        { "NAM",  "Namibia" },
        { "NCA",  "Nicaragua" },
        { "NCL",  "New Caledonia" },
        { "NED",  "Netherlands" },
        { "NEP",  "Nepal" },
        { "NGA",  "Nigeria" },
        { "NIG",  "Niger" },
        { "NIR",  "Northern Ireland" },
        { "NOR",  "Norway" },
        { "NZL",  "New Zealand" },
        { "OMA",  "Oman" },
        { "PAK",  "Pakistan" },
        { "PAN",  "Panama" },
        { "PAR",  "Paraguay" },
        { "PER",  "Peru" },
        { "PHI",  "Philippines" },
        { "PLE",  "Palestine" },
        { "PNG",  "Papua New Guinea" },
        { "POL",  "Poland" },
        { "POR",  "Portugal" },
        { "PRK",  "Korea DPR" },
        { "PUR",  "Puerto Rico" },
        { "QAT",  "Qatar" },
        { "ROU",  "Romania" },
        { "RSA",  "South Africa" },
        { "RUS",  "Russia" },
        { "RWA",  "Rwanda" },
        { "SAM",  "Samoa" },
        { "SCO",  "Scotland" },
        { "SDN",  "Sudan" },
        { "SEN",  "Senegal" },
        { "SEY",  "Seychelles" },
        { "SGP",  "Singapore" },
        { "SKN",  "St Kitts and Nevis" },
        { "SLE",  "Sierra Leone" },
        { "SLV",  "El Salvador" },
        { "SMR",  "San Marino" },
        { "SOL",  "Solomon Islands" },
        { "SOM",  "Somalia" },
        { "SRB",  "Serbia" },
        { "SRI",  "Sri Lanka" },
        { "SSD",  "South Sudan" },
        { "STP",  "São Tomé and Príncipe" },
        { "SUI",  "Switzerland" },
        { "SUR",  "Suriname" },
        { "SVK",  "Slovakia" },
        { "SVN",  "Slovenia" },
        { "SWE",  "Sweden" },
        { "SWZ",  "Eswatini" },
        { "SYR",  "Syria" },
        { "TAH",  "Tahiti" },
        { "TAN",  "Tanzania" },
        { "TCA",  "Turks and Caicos Islands" },
        { "TGA",  "Tonga" },
        { "THA",  "Thailand" },
        { "TJK",  "Tajikistan" },
        { "TKM",  "Turkmenistan" },
        { "TLS",  "Timor-Leste" },
        { "TOG",  "Togo" },
        { "TPE",  "Chinese Taipei" },
        { "TRI",  "Trinidad and Tobago" },
        { "TUN",  "Tunisia" },
        { "TUR",  "Türkiye" },
        { "UAE",  "United Arab Emirates" },
        { "UGA",  "Uganda" },
        { "UKR",  "Ukraine" },
        { "URU",  "Uruguay" },
        { "USA",  "USA" },
        { "UZB",  "Uzbekistan" },
        { "VAN",  "Vanuatu" },
        { "VEN",  "Venezuela" },
        { "VGB",  "British Virgin Islands" },
        { "VIE",  "Vietnam" },
        { "VIN",  "St Vincent and the Grenadines" },
        { "VIR",  "US Virgin Islands" },
        { "WAL",  "Wales" },
        { "YEM",  "Yemen" },
        { "ZAM",  "Zambia" },
        { "ZIM",  "Zimbabwe" },
        -- Alternate names
        { "TUR",  "Turkey" },
        { "CZE",  "Czech Republic" },
        { "CUW",  "Curacao" },
        { "BRU",  "Brunei" },
        { "CPV",  "Cape Verde" },
        { "CPV",  "Cape Verde Islands" },
        { "CHN",  "China" },
        { "COD",  "DR Congo" },
        { "GAM",  "Gambia" },
        { "IRN",  "Iran" },
        { "CIV",  "Ivory Coast" },
        { "PRK",  "North Korea" },
        { "KOR",  "South Korea" },
        { "KGZ",  "Kyrgyzstan" },
        { "SKN",  "Saint Kitts and Nevis" },
        { "SKN",  "St. Kitts and Nevis" },
        { "LCA",  "Saint Lucia" },
        { "LCA",  "St. Lucia" },
        { "VIN",  "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" },
        { "VIN",  "St. Vincent and the Grenadines" },
        { "STP",  "São Tomé e Príncipe" },
        { "STP",  "Sao Tome e Principe" },
        { "USA",  "United States" },
        { "VIR",  "U.S. Virgin Islands" },
        { "VIR",  "United States Virgin Islands" },
-- List of FIVB confederations
data.confederation = { 
	CAVB = { "ALG", "BDI", "CMR", "COD", "EGY", "KEN", "MAR", "RWA", "TUN", 
		"UGA" },
	AVC = { "AUS", "BHR", "CHN", "TPE", "HKG", "IND", "INA", "IRN", "JPN",
		"KAZ", "KOR", "KSA", "MNG", "PAK", "PHI", "QAT", "THA", "UZB", "VIE" },
	CEV = { "ALB", "AUT", "AZE", "BLR", "BEL", "BIH", "BUL", "CRO", "CYP", "CZE",
		"DEN", "EST", "FRO", "FIN", "FRA", "GEO", "GER", "GRE", "HUN", "ISL",
		"ISR", "ITA", "LVA", "LUX", "MNE", "NED", "MKD", "NOR", "POL", "POR",
		"ROU", "RUS", "SRB", "SVN", "SVK", "ESP", "SWE", "SUI", "TUR", "UKR" },
	NORCECA = { "CAN", "CUB", "DOM", "GUA", "MEX", "PUR", "SUR", "TRI", "USA"
	CSV = { "ARG", "BRA", "CHI", "COL", "PER", "VEN" 
return data