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2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “CRITICAL THINKING IN EDUCATION” 31 October – 2 November 2014 KORÇE <gallery> Shembull.jpg | Përshkrim Shembull.jpg | Përshkrim

                   Learning methods and their importance in teaching 
                                 Ph. D. AGIM SALLMANI 
        State University in Tetova, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, R.Macedonia, agim.salmani@hotmail.com
                                   EMIRA LAMA
        The Faculty of Law Iustinianus Primus, University Cyril and Methodius, Skopje,
                   Republic of Macedonia, emira@chrcr.org.mk

Learning methods in class are used and classified according to the underpinnings and different criteria that are used during the lesson. Therefore, on this basis in didactic and methodology learning texts, there are occurred classifications of learning methods made on basis of: the thinking course, the relationship between the totality and its constituent parts, the relation between cause and result, time chronology of the occurrence of relevant methods’ affirmation or also the resources of learning acquisition. The purpose of learning methods is that, every person must be able to learn lifelong and to multiply knowledge, to gain ability and qualification, also to be able to suit to a complex world of reciprocal connections that changes continuously: -Compilation of preparation for classes/activities, which involves defining the forms, methods, procedures, tools, articulation of oriented classes/activities and the expected results from its implementation; -Determination of the purpose of classes; -Advantages of interactive-creative classes; -Forms of teaching works; -Types and kinds of classes etc.

In order to have good results in teaching and learning one must work and respect all the methods of learning on the basis of the stages of learning units:

( RIR).

R-Raising I-Implementation R-Reflection In conclusion, every teacher must behave in accordance to the Code of the educational institution during his comittment.

Keywords: Learning methods, teacher, learner, creativity, innovations.


Teaching methods make a powerful and direct impact in the final effect, whether the masterfully selected and applied ones provide sufficient qualitative concretization of the contents in teaching. This is required and with a particular importance for learning of the subject curricula because of the specific and synthesized nature that learning contents have in their broader meaning. It is generally known how big the profit of convinient and abundant concretization of the content of this nature is. In collectivity exists the joint vision for schools’ development and the strategies, the importance and the use of methods on how and when should they be implemented. Through the interactive teaching methods, teachers help students to build the content and new idea for the basis of kowledge that they have and advance sooner. Teaching methods in teaching should be selected taking into account the age and psycho-physical abilities of students. That is because students of all school ages are not able to understand samely abundant and good the teaching contents with any teaching method whether it is one subject or there are more subjects. There are some methods which require a higher level of maturity and general psycho-physical preparedness of students. The density of implementing teaching methods need to respond to students' willingness to receive and to learn with them. Otherwise it will be that learning becomes extremely difficult and overburdens students in learning. We can call teaching methods as effective only when their appropriate appliance ensures optimal engagement of students in teaching. The specific nature of the use of teaching methods is another criteria that dictates the choice and level of enforcement of methods in learning, with synthesizing nature that they have they require the selection and implementation of more teaching methods. Therefore we can say that each subject and each learning unit does not fit all alike to all teaching methods but they change during their use in learning and teaching.


The classification of teaching methods Different Authors, different ways of teaching, classify while being supported on different criteria. Therefore, on this bases, in the basic texts of the didactics and teaching methods, we face classifications madeon the basis of current thinking, of the relationship between general and component parts of it, the relation between cause and flows, time chronology of appearance of the corresponding method affirmation or resources of knowledge in teaching. The basic teaching methods are: 1. Verbal-textual methods 2. Demonstrative-illustrative 3. Laboratory methods of practical work -Within each of these three basic groups, there are included and processed unique methods. 1 Verbal-textual methods, are groups of teaching methods, which has as a basic source gain of the knowledge. In the group of teaching methods we have: 1. Pre-spoken method 2. The method of conversation 3. The method of working with text Pre spoken method is the only and universal method of learning. Living word of teachers, or the written word, is the only source of learning and teaching. Verbal-textual methods have an important and should always apply in teaching in our schools.

Pre-spoken method 

In todays lesson, pre-spoken method have to choose the method we apply, for these purposes and teaching situations:

- When we are dealing with content learning units which can not be processed through sources other methods of learning and teaching. - When with pre speaking of the teacher, wishing to offer the model of the regulated speech and literary for students. - When pre speakers want to encourage and motivate students to speak fluently and regulated. - When with the pre speaking we want to make the teaching more attractive.

The effect of pre-spoken methods’ implementation in teaching depends on the cognition degree of compliance of adherence of a whole series of didactic and methodological requirements in teaching.For their right marginalization, according to their objectives these requirements are divided into three basic groups:  Requirements relating to the content of the prespeaker  Requirements dealing with the language of the prespeaker  Requirements dealing with time needed for the prespeaker in one class Within the first group of claims, which refer to pre-speaking composition we shoukd take care of some issues: - Content of the pre-speaking in teaching should be scientifically proven and true

     -     Content of the pre-spoken teaching should be prescribed to the age and 

shaped in terms of didactic and methodical. - Content of the parafolurit should also be systematized. From the group of requirements dealing with the language of the pre-speaker, we should be carefull that: - the pre-speakers’ language should be adequate to the degree of linguistic and literary development of school-aged students when learning. - language of pre-speaker should be rich in words, terms and language and literary expressions that help the advancement of culture.

     -     it should be regulated by concrete.

The effect of applying the pre-spoken method depends on the degree of compliance of requirements related to the time and age of students, how the pre-speaking should last within one hour. Conversation method The method of conversation is a verbal method by which, through questions and answers the process of class and aims and tasks of learning are developed. This method is focused on the implementation of the purpose and tasks of class. In current class theory, the conversation method occurs as:

    -   dialogue method,
    -   erothematic method- (gr. erotema) question. 

The didactics of contemporary methodology is against the enforced implementation of obsolete variations, but, it is commited in the implementing of variations and newest and the most productive forms of conversation method and modern class. (interactive, creative). There are a lot of reasons and situations for the requirement of the implementation of conversation method in learning and teaching. Then, it is recommended to select and implement this method: - - when the teacher or other education experts consider that students have - sufficient knowledge on the content of class, they have the ability to transform the conversation into monologue. - when through conversation about class unit content we want to ascertain the degree and quality of information mastery and experiences of the pre-knowledge of students for the content of class unit prescribed for the particular class hours. We will choose and implement the conversation method in class also in case we want to encourage students to actively take a part in learning. Throug well formulated and submitted questions in the introductory part of the class can create a pleasant atmosphere. The same will be provided in other phases of the class. It is recommended to choose and implement the conversation method also when we will through the good oriented conversation encourage the students to get right and general conclusions for class issues through their own forces. Versions of conversation method 1. Cathectic version of the conversation, 2. Socratic version of conversation, 3. Heuristic version of conversation, 4. Free version of conversation, 5. Discussion version (controversial, review, debate). Cathectic version of the conversation Characteristics:- started to be practiced in medieval schools, catechism = ways of learning the content of the text by heart, verbally (literally). Now comes into expression when dealing reproduction of text content or cultivate exact data. Pedagogue GANDIGT calls it a question whith despotism, ruler character. We use this when we make a reproduction of the learning content and when we check latitude facts of learning contents. e gjerwsive tw pwrmbajtjes mwsimore. Socratic version of conversation Is named after the old Greek philosopher Socrates. Socrates has built specific form of conversation with his pupils (Plato, Euclid). Starting from the position that truth is found in humans, the questions are of alternative or descriptive kind that means they contain two alternatives. So the one who answers to the question should be determined on one alternative or the other. In school practice it comes into expression in all stages of learning process with a certain purpose. Heuristic version of conversation Characteristics; - students come up to new knowledge through it, when we apply productive repetition in the learning process; because encourages students, makes them to think and to be activated in discovering new knowledge (terms, definitions) in the lesson, because it orients students to participate in the elaboration of generalizations. In this version of conversation the application of following kinds of questions come into expression: developmental, dialectical or linear. The structure of heuristic version of conversation consists:

1) question; 
2) answer; 
3) observation 

Heuristic form of conversation is typical of the way of the inductive method in teaching (from the general one-sample to the specific- rules). The designations of this version of the conversation are: • it is like heurose that discovers the didactic (Burger), • it is a productive moment in class (Copei), • it is intellectual resonance (Dilthey), • it is interiorization ((internationalization) (Piaget). Free version of conversation Developed in family, on street, at the plant, factory, in learning etc. It is being developed around a topic without definitions and previous orientations.

  Free dialogue. Forms of free version of conversation: 

1) discussion, 2) consulting, 3) controversy, 4) debate, 5) review, 6) analysis and conclusion. Some of the didacticians call the middle variant of heuristic and free conversation as=developmental version of conversation. According to some didacticians the version of free conversation in a form of discussion, consulting, controversy, debate,review, analysis and conclusion is a form of dialogue, respectively conversation which is characterized by the democratic social system which means: the democratic system of life and work in school is introduced in learning. This is one of the most intensive and qualitative forms of conversation in class. This type of conversation is used in ; -courses, -seminars, - TV, school, -radio. • The effect of implementation of the conversation method in class mostly depends on the degree of recognition and condescension of class of more didactic-methodologycal requirements. Pregarding their nature these requirements are divided into three basic groups: a. Requirement related to the manner of paraphrasing the questions, b. Requirements related to the manner of adduction of questions and c. Requirements related to the manner of paraphrasation and proclamation of the answers. Method of reading and working with text Also the method of reading and working with text is one of the verbal-textual methods. Text is a written word, which generally is a source of receiving and learning in contemporary school and outside in life.Therefore, reading and working with text are made classal methods. By the method of reading and working with text we understand the verbal-textual method which as a source of teaching and learning has a written word and text. Many methodicians give their estimations and ideas that there are a lot of disagreements around the idea that where should the method of reading and working with text should be applied in practice?! Despite this idea, there are more other theorists who rightly think that the method of reading and working with text should begin to be applied since the first class in primary school because students today are more intelligent and more skillful. Also the ability for understanding of read contents and for learning through reading should be exercised since the first class in primary school and to constantly progress by interactive forms in this sphere of education. -The program contents are considered as very adequate for effective implementation of the method of reading and working with text. These interesting contents for students can be found in different books. For this reason, in the phase of preparation it is necessary for the teacher to plan and to use the method of reading and working with text in the most appropriate manner. The implementation of the method of reading and working with text, also in learning gradually enables the students to understand and to rightly interpret the the information they have read. -It advances also the culture of reading and writing. It Enriches the vocabulary and the speaking culture of students which means advances and mobilizes the attention and memory functions of students.

-It exercises the critical thinking, right expression and fluency. 

The methods of reading and working with text makes it possible the systematic acquisition of the learning contents. -Learning through the method of reading and working with text influences also in the education of many positive virtues of the will and character of students in learning. - Learning through the method of reading and working with text helps also the individualization and differentiation of the class. The method of reading and working with text is likely to be implemented in different stages of general structure of learning process and for different purposes. The implementation of following is recomended:

a. Reading and working with text as a source of acquisition of new learning contents and
b. Reading and working with text as an illustration and complement of the learning contents acquisited by the methods and other teaching and learning sources. 

Demontrative-Illustrative method These are classal methods which as a source of knowledge acquisition have the demonstration, illustration and graphic presentation of the contents in learning. These methods are very important because if they are implemented rightly and with a professional maturity they provide the highest and polysemic(manifold) of concretization (conduction) of learning contents. This group of learning methods includes:  Method of demonstration,  Method of illustration,  Method of work with writing,  Method of drawing,  Method of graphic works. Method of demonstration This method has to do with live observation of the situations, relations, movements, working operations, work organization, and also other activities, the functioning of machines, aparats, technical instruments, creators in the field of music, TV programmes, radio etc. It is one of the most required and used methods in presentation of the learning content better and more proper as far. Method of demonstration is a method by showing, (of all that is possible in a manner that will be perpetuated). The demonstration in class is in different types. These types can be accomplished having in suppert different criteria of separation and classification. In methodology there must be implemented these demonstrtions: static demonstration, dynamic demonstration, direct demonstration and indirect demonstration. In didactic-methodological literature all requirements that are reffered to the effects of implementation of methods of demonstration are divided into these basic groups: -Requirements that are related to things, objects, actions and processes that we choose for demonstration; -Requirements that are related to the place where the demonstartion is done; -Requirements that are related to the manner of the conduction of demonstration and -Requirements that are related to the time of the duration of demonstration whithin the class. A special impact on the final effect of the demonstration has also the TIME-WHEN the demonstration is done within the class. The demonstration can be conducted in all stages of the classes. Method of illustration This classal method provides a direct contact with objects and other classal models. It’s versions are: Illustration of objects and models - when we have direct illustration of the object and the model may come into consideration even more: the viewing, comparison, pushing the boundaries of attention, evaluation of students. Their ilustation is required to rely also on these moments, : illustration with a spontaneous tempo, ie neither too slowly nor too fast.. 1. Illustration of artistic photographs – here comes into expression the motive and aesthetic moment in the illustration of artistic objects. In the learning process, its value is almost irreplaceable because awakens and develops students' interest, curiosity for work – lesson. This comes from that aesthetic side of the object that offers the student for its complete cognition.

Phases of class In order to have good results in teaching and learning one must work and respect all the methods of learning in all stages of learning process.

R- RAISING(discussion before the content) I- IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTEXT (it is achieved by a student-learner, when seeking relative information about forecast). R-REFLECTION (discussion after the content).

In conclusion, every teacher during his comittment must behave in accordance to the Codex, values and ethic principles of the educative-classal institutions.


School is the most important place where the organization of the teaching work has been a problem in the class theory and practice. Therefore this problem is current also in the modern time studies and will go on to implement the class methods in practice.. As a result of the development of science, particularly the theory of teaching and learning, the old way may not be accompanied by it’s entirety in modern schools. Roles and responsibilities of teachers are to prepare the students for life, so his image is displayed in his behaviour, in his role in the society, in a role of teacher, in role of determining objects in accordance to the lessons, in assesment and knowledge, in the role of professional development, in the role of indicator, in the role of researcher etc. Professional-pedagogical potential of each teacher is also associated with methodical-didactic culture and methodological preparation for class. For this reason it is important to give a clear answer to the question: what is and what does consist the specific culture of teachers preparation for a complex work and a lot of plans such as teaching and interactive-creative class methods? These problems are a direct object of the use and implementation of these methods which are considered as very necessary in methedology in the process of teaching.


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