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Përdoruesi:Avzi mustafa

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Proposed role in the project: National Consultant/Trainer - 3rd Training Pack and Children’s Camp

1. Family name: Mustafa 2. First names: Avzi 3. Date of birth: 15.06.1949 4. Nationality: Albanien, 5. Civil status: Married 6. Contact Details: Office Address: Faculty of Philology University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Krste Misirkov b. b. 1000 Skopje Macedonia Telephone Numbers: 3116-100 e-Mail: avzimustafa@ Yahoo.com

Home Address: Bul. Crvena armija nr. 10-2-6 1000 Skopje Macedonia Telephone Numbers: 2045 136 7. Education: Institution [ Date from - Date to ] Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: 1984-1992; Faculty of Philology, Skopje Doctor of Philological Sciences 1978-1982; Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia Master of Pedagogical Sciences 1977-1981; Faculty of Philology, Skopje BA in Albanian Language and Literature 1971-1975; Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje BA in Pedagogy

8. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic) Language Reading Speaking Writing Macedonian 1 1 1 Albanian 1 1 1 Serbian 1 1 1 French 2 3 3

9. Membership of professional bodies: - Macedonian Linguistic Association; Member - Association of Teachers of Albanian Language and Literature; President - Commission of the Rectorate of the “Sts. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje for Teaching Issues; Chairperson - Commission for Awarding the Annual Prize of the City of Skopje -13 November; Member - Commission for Matura Questions for Albanian language at the MoES; president - Commission for National External Examination in Albanian Language after Grade 8; President - Institute for National History; (Membership in process of verification) - University External Evaluation Body; Member - Board for Approval of Diplomas from the Tetovo University; MoES delegated member

10. Other skills: - excellent teambuilding skills, incl. ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and origin - ability to work bilingually (Macedonian and Albanian) - ability to observe and interpret teacher skills and potentials - computer literacy

11. Key qualifications: - textbook author (for primary and secondary schools) - expert in methodology of teaching (incl. child-centred teaching and learning) -

expert in curriculum development, focusing on skills building - expert trainer in development of local curricula for development of skills for democratic citizenship

12. Specific experience in the region: Country Date from - Date to Macedonia 1998 -1999 MoES/Netherlands Government Project “Zero year” Macedonia 1999 -2000 MoES/UNICEF Project “School for parenthood” Macedonia 2002 - present MoES/UNICEF Project “Skills for life”

13. Professional experience Date from-to Loca- tion Company Position Description 2002 - present Mace-donia MoES/ UNICEF Lifeskills Project Team member in “Skills for life” Project Curriculum development, development of training materials and training of teachers for implementing a health promotion and civic education national curriculum 1999-2000 Mace-donia UNICEF Better Parenthood project Trainer of Community Educators Development of curriculum and training materials; training of educators for working with young mothers in better child-rearing practices 1998-1999 Mace-donia MoES/ Netherlands Government Project “Zero year” Teacher Trainer Training of teachers for improving knowledge and skills of Albanian secondary students to be able to enrol into higher education 1997-2002 Skopje Department of Albanian language and literature Professor of Albanian Language and Literature Didactics/Methodics of Albanian language; Special course in Albanian language 1992-97 Skopje Department of Albanian language and literature Associate Professor of Albanian Language and Literature Didactics/Methodics of Albanian language; Special course in Albanian language 1983-1992 Skopje Department of Albanian language and literature Lecturer in Albanian Language Albanian language

14. Other relevant information (e.g., Publications) Recipient of the National Annual Award for Educational Contribution “St. Clement of Ohrid”, 2003, (first Albanian from Macedonia to receive this award) PUBLICATIONS 1. Figura mesuesish shqiptar I (Personality of albanian teachers I) , BKSH, Tetove 1975 2. Македонскиот јазик во албанските основни училишта (The Macedonian language in albanian primary school) Логос-А, Скопје,1977 3. Edukata dhe arsimi neper shekuj (Education and schooling by century), Shkupi ,1977 4. Shkolla fillore shqipe ne Maqedoni 1945-1975, Logos-A, Shkup, 1998 (The development albanian primary school in Macedonia 1945-1975). 5. Didaktika e gjuhës shqipe dhe e leximit letrar (Didactics of Albanian language and reading literary), Logos-A, Shkup, 2002. 6. "Некои Лексичко-семантички особености во јазикот на половите кај албанците", (Some Lexicological-semantical characteristics of gender in the Albanian language), Ljubljana (Упоребно језикословје), 1989 7. "Саид Ислам Најдени - прв учител во илегалното училиште во Дебар", (Sait Islam Najdeni - first teacher in the illegal school in Debar), Bulletin, Kicevo, 1990 8. "Некои теориско-методолошки прашања за реализацијата на наставата по македонски јазик во паралелките од средното образование со албански наставен јазик", (Some theoretical-methodological issues in the implementation of the teaching of Macedonian language in secondary Albanian language teaching classes), Bulletin, Skopje,1991 9. "Ta njohim per se afermi Hoxhe Voken", "Fe dhe Atdhe", Albanian Islamic Centar Harper Woods, Michigan 48225, USA, 1993 10. "Книжевните текстови на Григор Прличев во подобрувањето на комуникативната компетенција на македонски јазик кај учениците од албанската националност", (Literary texts of Gligor Prlichev in the improvement of the communication competencies in the Macedonian language among Albanian students), Bulletin, Skopje,1996 11. "Nje dokumet i pazbuluar ne gjuhen shqipe me shkronja cirilike", "Shqyrtime albanologjike' nr. 3,1997 12. "Надоврзувањето на јазикот со литературата во училиштата", (Language and Literature in schools), Almanac of the Faculty of Philology, Skopje 1997 13. "За две тенденции во нашиот воспитно-образовниот систем во реформскиот зафат", (Two tendencies of our educational system in its reforms), Skopje, 1998 14. "За подобрувањето на книжевната анализа и книжевната инерпретација во средните училишта", (Towards improvement of the literary analysis and interpretation in secondary schools), Almanac of the Faculty of Philology, Skopje 1998