Përdoruesi diskutim:1111tomica

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Kjo faqe këtu është vetëm për diskutim mbi përdoruesin 1111tomica. Wikipedia nxit diskutimin mes vullnetarëve të saj dhe nuk do të censurojë komente bazuar në pikëpamjet ideologjike ose politike. Wikipedia nuk do t’i ndryshojë komentet. Ato ose do të publikohen, ose do të fshihen nëse nuk u binden rregullave kryesore.
Fillo një temë të re diskutimi.
Ju lutemi nënshkruani me: – ~~~~

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sllavo-maqedone ?[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]

<< I really see that this article about the Macedonian language here it's named with very iritating name - sllavo-maqedone. I think that is enough for you to know that this article on the English wikipedia has the name Macedonian language, so I think you should change it too. 1111tomica 10 Janar 2010 16:36 (CET)1111tomica1111tomica 10 Janar 2010 16:36 (CET) >>

Sorry but in the English Wikipedia page [[1]] you can read 'The Macedonians (Macedonian: Македонци; transliterated: Makedonci) – also referred to as Macedonian Slavs...'. So the albanian title Sllavo-maqedone is valid.

--Mario CUSENZA 10 Janar 2010 17:29 (CET)

No, this phrase 'Macedonian Slavs' is far from Slavomacedonians and it is used only by the Greeks. Big difference. --MacedonianBoy 10 Janar 2010 18:37 (CET)

Right and look at this Stema - Ish Republika Jugosllave e Maqedonisë. What's this? Sorry I don't want to this look like I am threatening to you, but if you continuing doing this with the Macedonia related articles, we are going to take some measures on our wikipedia too and tell about all of this on the Meta Wikipedia. 1111tomica 10 Janar 2010 19:27 (CET)1111tomica1111tomica 10 Janar 2010 19:27 (CET)

Ok, see discussion continuation in Diskutim:Gjuha sllavo-maqedone --Mario CUSENZA 11 Janar 2010 01:22 (CET)