edible botanical fruit of the species Solanum melongena, used as a vegetable
instancë e
fruit vegetable
nënklasë e
pjesë e
carbon footprint
0,2 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilogram[1]
metoda e përcaktimit: ISO 14040:2006: Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework, ISO 14044:2006: Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and guidelines, ISO 14067:2018: Greenhouse gases - Carbon footprint of products - Requirements and guidelines for quantification
valid in place: Gjermania
data: 2019
water footprint
362 cubic metre per ton[2]
food energy
24 Kaloria[3]
natural product of taxon
përshkruar nga burimi
Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary
referuar si: Eggplants
data: 7 maj 2021
Karakteri përfaqësues
kategoria kryesore
- ^ Ecological footprints of food and dishes in Germany, 8
- ^ The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop products, Table 3, Eggplants (aubergines)
- ^