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Aradophagus microps

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lloj i insekteve

External resources

GBIF taxon ID
Google Knowledge Graph ID
EUNIS ID for species
Encyclopedia of Life ID
Fauna Europaea ID
Fauna Europaea New ID
Open Tree of Life ID
Catalogue of Life ID

instancë e

emër i shkurtër

A. microps[9]

emri shkencor

Aradophagus microps[10]

taxon rank

parent taxon


diel cycle



  1. ^ Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 28 maj 2015
  2. ^ European Nature Information System, 19 shkurt 2021
  3. ^ Encyclopedia of Life, 6 maj 2015
  4. ^ Fauna Europaea, 13 qershor 2015
  5. ^ Fauna Europaea, 23 shkurt 2018
  6. ^ Open Tree of Life reference taxonomy version 3.6, 1 mars 2024
  7. ^ 10.48580/DFPX
  8. ^ Integrated Taxonomic Information System, 7 nëntor 2014
  9. ^ inferred from taxon name
  10. ^ a b c Integrated Taxonomic Information System, 14 dhjetor 2007, 22 tetor 2013
  11. ^ Diurnal periodicity of flight by insects