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Universally Unique Identifier

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128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems

External resources

Freebase ID
Microsoft Academic ID
Uniform Resource Identifier Scheme
File Format Wiki page ID
Quora topic ID
Techopedia ID
Debian stable package

nënklasë e

identifikues unik

emër i shkurtër


përshkruar nga burimi

RFC 4122: A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace
RFC 9562: Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs)

formë tjetër

identifikues unik
globally unique identifier
persistent identifier
non-persistent identifier

thuhet njëjtë si

globally unique identifier

formatim si shprehje e rregullt


syntax clarification: allows uppercase and lowercase


kriteri i përdorur: lowercase letter


kriteri i përdorur: shkrimi verzal


syntax clarification: omits the grouping with "-"


  1. ^ Freebase Data Dumps, 28 tetor 2013
  2. ^ 11 shtator 2003, https://www.w3.org/wiki/UriSchemes/uuid
  3. ^ https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kindel-uuid-uri-00, The uuid: URI scheme, 24 nëntor 1997