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Ca-amphibole, double chain inosilicate mineral

External resources

Freebase ID
Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
WordNet 3.1 Synset ID
Store norske leksikon ID
Minerals.net mineral and gemstone ID
museum-digital tag ID
Mindat mineral ID

referuar si: Tremolite

Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)

referuar si: ТРЕМОЛИТ

IMA Number, broad sense
IMA2012 s.p.[3]
Microsoft Academic ID
Kivid.info ID
OpenAlex ID
Wolfram Language entity code
KBpedia ID
Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID

referuar si: tremolite

Dana 8th edition

instancë e

mineral species[7]

nënklasë e

ferro-actinolite – tremolite series[8][9]

emëruar prej

Tremola Valley[10]

formula kimike


ngjyrë trëndafili

crystal system

monoclinic crystal system[12]

space group

space group C2/m[13]

solid solution series with


IMA status and/or rank

redefined mineral (Rd)[3]

IMA Mineral Symbol

Strunz 8th edition (series ID, updated)


Nickel-Strunz 9th edition (updated 2009)


Nickel-Strunz '10th ed', review of (9th ed/ 2009 update)


përshkruar nga burimi

Ueber die Klassifikation der Fossilien: in einem Schreiben des Herausgebers an Herrn Dr. Karsten in Halle[16]

data e publikimit: 1789

Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition

deklarata është subjekt i: 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Tremolite

kategoria në Commons



  1. ^ Freebase Data Dumps, 28 tetor 2013
  2. ^ GF WordNet
  3. ^ a b The IMA List of Minerals (November 2022)
  4. ^ OpenAlex, 26 janar 2022, https://docs.openalex.org/download-snapshot/snapshot-data-format
  5. ^ KBpedia, 9 korrik 2020
  6. ^ a b MinDat, http://www.mindat.org/min-4011.html
  7. ^ The IMA List of Minerals (November 2018)
  8. ^ Nomenclature of the amphibole supergroup (2012), 2036
  9. ^ a b c d MinDat
  10. ^ Ueber die Klassifikation der Fossilien: in einem Schreiben des Herausgebers an Herrn Dr. Karsten in Halle
  11. ^ Nomenclature of the amphibole supergroup (2012)
  12. ^ mineralienatlas.de
  13. ^ The crystal chemistry of the amphiboles: IV. X-ray and neutron refinements of the crystal structure of tremolite, 335
  14. ^ IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols
  15. ^ Mineralogische Tabellen : Eine Klassifizierung der Mineralien auf kristallchemischer Grundlage, mit einer Einfuhrung in die Kristallchemie (1982)
  16. ^ The IMA List of Minerals (May 2021)