Page review statistics

Wikipedia currently has 418 users with Editor rights.

Editors are established users that can spot-check revisions to pages.

The following data was last updated on 18 prill 2024 at 02:21.

Edits that have been checked by established users are considered Reviewed.

The average review delay for pages with edits currently pending review is 510 d 15 h; the delay measures how long the oldest pending edit has gone unreviewed.

The average wait for edits by users that have not logged in to be reviewed is 203 d 6 h; the median is 5 d 12 h.

11 h 10 min31 h 37 min12 d 22 h135 d 3 h355 d 10 h549 d 17 h834 d 9 h947 d 19 h

Page review statistics for each namespace are shown below, excluding redirect pages. Pages are treated as Outdated if they have edits pending review; pages are considered Synced if there are no edits pending review.

(Artikujt) 107.974 103.354‎ (95,72%) 97.812‎ (90,59%) 94,64% 5.542 4.620
Skeda 4.488 1.394‎ (31,06%) 1.392‎ (31,02%) 99,86% 2 3.094
Stampa 10.194 8.485‎ (83,24%) 8.395‎ (82,35%) 98,94% 90 1.709
Moduli 692 657‎ (94,94%) 655‎ (94,65%) 99,70% 2 35