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Anxhela Akolli

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Angela Akolli (10 mars 1995, Prrenjas) është një bllogere e njohur shqiptare nga Prrenjasi.

Then her family emigrated with her to Greece when she was 2 years old. Angela is growing up in Greece [1] in the city of Athens where she lived until she was 23 years old . Angela completed her higher studies in bibliography and has practiced her profession [2] for several months.

At the age of 23, 2018 was finally separated from Greece to live with her husband [3] Clyde Dodaj [4] with whom they were married [5]. In the same year Angela started her career [6] as a vlogger on Youtube where millions of views are counted.

It is already an influencer [7] in the lives of young Albanians who follow and support her on social networks [8].

Angela was several times part of the afternoon shows on Albanian channels like Vizion Plus [9] and Top Channel [10].

  1. ^ ref {Cite web | url = https: //politiko.al/pa-censure-pa-shef-dhe-pa-orar-angela-ak-rrefen-per-vlogging-si- profession-and-love-history-with-klajdin-2 /) | title = Politiko.al}} Stampa:Dead connection
  2. ^ ref {Cite web | url = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = 8aFyNXx1knQ & feature = youtu.be | title = Vizioni i pasdites - Anxhela Akolli a journey through the vlog ref}
  3. ^ [https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = iK5gYn7NZIk & feature = youtu.be "Nusja does magic to the groom at the wedding 👰🤵 | Angela Ak"]. {{cite web}}: Mungon ose është bosh parametri |language= (Ndihmë!); Shiko vlerën e |url= (Ndihmë!)
  4. ^ [https: //www.instagram.com/klajdi_dodaj/ "Clyde Dodaj - Instagram"]. {{cite web}}: Mungon ose është bosh parametri |language= (Ndihmë!); Shiko vlerën e |url= (Ndihmë!)
  5. ^ [https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = H1TX9l8sm7k & feature = youtu.be "Just Married! {Instagram !"]. {{cite web}}: Mungon ose është bosh parametri |language= (Ndihmë!); Shiko vlerën e |url= (Ndihmë!) Mr Mrs Dodaj-Akolli! La {!}} Angela Ak}}
  6. ^ [https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = E2SGDAHGQFU & feature = youtu.be "Invitation to 5, Meet Angela Akollin, ' vloggeren 'pa komplekse"]. {{cite web}}: Mungon ose është bosh parametri |language= (Ndihmë!); Shiko vlerën e |url= (Ndihmë!)
  7. ^ [https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCWuxKQfcnoABZfT2MTDnP3w "Youtube - ANGELA AK"]. {{cite web}}: Mungon ose është bosh parametri |language= (Ndihmë!); Shiko vlerën e |url= (Ndihmë!)
  8. ^ ref {Cite web | url = https: //www.instagram.com/angela.akolli/? hl = it | title = Anxhela Akolli - Instagram.}
  9. ^ [https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = 8aFyNXx1knQ & feature = youtu.be "Vizion Plus - Youtube"]. {{cite web}}: Mungon ose është bosh parametri |language= (Ndihmë!); Shiko vlerën e |url= (Ndihmë!)
  10. ^ ref {Cite web | url = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = E2SGDAHGQFU & feature = youtu.be | title = Invitation to 5, Meet Angela Akolli , 'vloggeren' pa komplekse}}