Young Pioneer Organization of the Soviet Union
Soviet Union youth organization
instancë e
pioneer movement
19 maj 1922
emri zyrtar
Организация детских групп юных пионеров имени Спартака[5]
koha e përfundimit: 23 janar 1924
koha e fillimit: 28 gusht 1923
Детские коммунистические группы юных пионеров имени В. И. Ленина[6]
koha e përfundimit: 18 korrik 1924
koha e fillimit: 23 janar 1924
Детская коммунистическая организация юных пионеров имени В. И. Ленина
koha e përfundimit: mars 1926
koha e fillimit: 18 korrik 1924
Всесоюзная пионерская организация имени В. И. Ленина
koha e fillimit: mars 1926
emëruar prej
koha e përfundimit: 23 janar 1924
koha e fillimit: tetor 1922
Nikolay Pavlovich Chaplin
koha e përfundimit: 14 shtator 1922
koha e fillimit: 21 qershor 1922
anëtar i
International Committee of Children's and Adolescents' Movements
member count
ideologjia politike
parent organization
Central Committee of the AULYCL
Little Octobrist
vendndodhja e selisë
tekst themelor
ngjarje e rëndësishme
1st All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
2nd All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
3rd All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
4th All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
5th All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
6th All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
7th All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
8th All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
9th All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
10th All-Union meeting of Young Pioneers
çmime të marra
Order of Lenin[39]
award rationale: В связи с 40-летием со дня образования и за большую работу по коммунистическому воспитанию детей
data: 17 maj 1962
Order of Lenin
award rationale: В связи с 50-летием со дня образования и за большую работу по коммунистическому воспитанию детей
data: 18 maj 1972
1 tetor 1990
përshkruar nga burimi
Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 6
faqe: 98
ka pjesë
kategoria në Commons
Young Pioneer organization of the Soviet Union
kategoria kryesore
Category:Vladimir Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization
- ^ National Library of Israel Names and Subjects Authority File
- ^ Freebase Data Dumps, 28 tetor 2013
- ^;3950301.html
- ^ ko20211133309, 21 dhjetor 2021, Czech National Authority Database
- ^ Q125364038, 17, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 25, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 24, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 32, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 38, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 44, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 53, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 60, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 72, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 86, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 109, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 122, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 142, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 151, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 157, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 165, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 174, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 181, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 193, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 205, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 217, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 226, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 232, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 235, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 237, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 239, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 244, 1
- ^ Q125364038, 3, 2
- ^ Q125364038, 8, 2
- ^ Q125364038, 12, 2
- ^ Q125364038, 32, 2
- ^ Q125364038, 38, 2
- ^ Q125364038, 45, 2
- ^ Q125364038, 50, 2
- ^ Q125404041