This is an automatic view based on data from Wikidata.
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company that prints and distributes pressed goods or electronic media
External resources
Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID | |
Dictionary of Archives Terminology ID | |
PSH ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
Quora topic ID | |
museum-digital tag ID | |
ODLIS ID | | topic ID | |
EuroVoc ID | |
KBpedia ID | |
Interlingual Index ID | |
identifikues i BNF | 13319412kscope note: <Employé pour : Maisons d'édition |
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme) | |
Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften ID | |
LoC and MARC vocabularies ID | |
Encyclopedia of the Great Plains ID | |
WordNet 3.1 Synset ID | 08079459-n |
Store norske leksikon ID | forlagmapping relation type: përputhje e përpiktë |
Zhihu topic ID | |
WikiKids ID | |
BNCF Thesaurus ID | 9623referuar si: Case editrici |
Pixiv Encyclopedia ID | |
UNESCO Thesaurus ID | |
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID | |
UNBIS Thesaurus ID | |
TDKIV term ID | |
National Library of Latvia ID | 000061571referuar si: Izdevējdarbība |
FactGrid item ID | |
NL CR AUT ID | ph115417referuar si: nakladatelství a vydavatelství |
GND ID | 4063004-3[3]identifier shared with: botues libri, publisher's bookshop |
YSO ID | 7239[4]referuar si: kustantajat, förlag, publishers |
përshkruar nga burimi
Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947)deklarata është subjekt i: Q107402004
entry in abbreviations table
изд-воpërdorur nga: GOST Р 7.0.12—2011
tipare për këtë tip
vendndodhja e selisë
location of formation
founded by
webfaqja zyrtare
ISBN publisher prefix
OverDrive publisher ID
thuhet njëjtë si
publisher's bookshop
kategoria në Commons
Publishing companies
stampa kryesore e temës
Template:Infobox publisher
- ^ KBpedia, 9 korrik 2020
- ^, 出版社 (しゅっぱんしゃ)とは【ピクシブ百科事典】, 22 janar 2023
- ^ 15 shkurt 2022
- ^ YSO-Wikidata mapping project, 30 mars 2022