Stampa:Chembox Properties/doc
Kjo është një nënfaqe udhëzuese për Stampa:Chembox Properties. Faqja përmban informacion mbi përdorimin, kategoritë dhe përmbajtje të tjera që nuk janë pjesë e faqes kryesore përkatëse. |
Kjo stampë përmban kod të ndërlikuar. Nëse keni ndërmend ndonjë ndryshim, ju ftojmë të mësoni konfigurimin e tij dhe funksionet para se ta redaktoni stampën. Nëse redaktimi juaj shkakton probleme të papritura, kthejeni shpejt pasi mund të shfaqet në një numër të madh faqesh. Për çdo ndryshim kontaktoni me ndonjë administrator. Ju inkurajojmë të bëni eksperimentet tuaja fillimisht në livadhin e caktuar. |
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]This box can be used as a module in the {{chembox}}. Copy the left column into an existing chembox, before the first section, and give the section a unique number (the first line becomes e.g. "| Section8 = {{Chembox Properties", there are 15 sections available).
| Section = {{Chembox Properties | Formula = | MolarMass = | MolarMass_notes = | Appearance = | Density = | MeltingPt = | Melting_notes = | BoilingPt = | Boiling_notes = | SublimationConditions = | Solubility = | SolubilityProduct = | SolubilityProductAs = | SolubilityOther = | Solvent = | pKa = | pKb = | IsoElectricPt = | LambdaMax = | Absorbance = | BandGap = | ElectronMobility = | SpecRotation = | MagSus = | ThermalConductivity = | RefractIndex = | Viscosity = | CriticalRelativeHumidity = | Dipole = }} |
| Section = {{Chembox Properties * Molecular formula (see notes in advanced) * Molecular mass of the compound (see notes in advanced) * Notes for molecular mass (e.g. useful for reporting a hydrate). * appearance * Density * Melting point (see notes in advanced) * Notes on Melting point * Boiling point (see notes in advanced) * Notes on Boiling point * Conditions under which this compound sublimes * Solubility in water * Solubility product * Solubility Product * Solubility in other solvent * In which solvent * Isoelectric point * pKa * pKb * λ Max * Absorbance at λ Max * BandGap * Electron Mobility * Specific Rotation * Magnetic Susceptibility * Thermal Conductivity * Refraction Index * Viscosity * Critical Relative Humidity * Dipole }} |
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Besides these fields, there are a number of advanced fields:
| C = | H = | N = | O = | MassRound = | MeltingPtC = | MeltingPtCL = | MeltingPtCH = | MeltingPtK = | MeltingPtKL = | MeltingPtKH = | MeltingPtF = | MeltingPtFL = | MeltingPtFH = | BoilingPtC = | BoilingPtCL = | BoilingPtCH = | BoilingPtK = | BoilingPtKL = | BoilingPtKH = | BoilingPtF = | BoilingPtFL = | BoilingPtFH = | Solubility1 = | Solvent1 = | Solubility2 = | Solvent2 = | Solubility3 = | Solvent3 = | Solubility4 = | Solvent4 = | Solubility5 = | Solvent5 = }} |
* For each element a parameter with its count, :gives a molecular formula and a molar mass-field :These fields override the available Formula and MolarMass! * Can be used to give a different rounding to the molecular mass (default = 2) * Melting point in C * Melting point in C (low of range) * Melting point in C (high of range) * Melting point in K * Melting point in K (low of range) * Melting point in K (high of range) * Melting point in F * Melting point in F (low of range) * Melting point in F (high of range) * Boiling point in C * Boiling point in C (low of range) * Boiling point in C (high of range) * Boiling point in K * Boiling point in K (low of range) * Boiling point in K (high of range) * Boiling point in F * Boiling point in F (low of range) * Boiling point in F (high of range) * Solubility in solvent 1 * Solvent1 * Solubility in solvent 2 * Solvent2 * Solubility in solvent 3 * Solvent3 * Solubility in solvent 4 * Solvent4 * Solubility in solvent 5 * Solvent5 }} |
When supplying one of the melting points or boiling points of the extended set, it will also calculate the other melting/boiling points (e.g. 'MeltingPtC = 100' results in '100 °C, 373 K, 212 °F').
See also
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]