Wikipedia:Robotët/Kërkesë për miratim/MerlLinkBot
Operator: w:de:User:Merlissimo
Automatik apo i shoqëruar: controlled (much of pre check before a job is executed)
Gjuhë programimi: java (own framework)
Përmbledhja e përdorimit
Periudha e redaktimit ( gjithnjë, përditë, njëherë,...):
- main task: changes external links which are outdated and can be successfully replaced by a new one.
- side job: interwikis, but only supervised on single sites (done by py)
Ritmi i redaktimeve: max 3 edit/min
Ka titullin? (Po/Jo): yes on 60+ wikimedia projects
Hollësitë e përdorimit: The bot replaces urls that have to be changed. This can be only a domain change or a more complex page structure change on a website. Links are dectected with the help of the api (and not with regex) and are only replaced if the webserver of the new url returns a 200-status-response for that new resource. “Link text” is not changed. (own framework written in java - used by all of my bots)
Could sb. please help me to localize the edit summary of my bot for sq? I have described the four possible edit summaries at Përdoruesi diskutim:MerlLinkBot. Merlissimo 9 Nëntor 2010 03:37 (CET)