Diskutim:Historia e Shqipërisë
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Barbaizem: Tekst në gjuhë të hujë
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Teksti që ihte në artikullin Historia e Shqipërisë nuk ishte në gjuhen shqipe. Kjo është sq:Wikipedia, (Shqip:Wikipedia). Nëse jeni të interesuar ta përktheni, urdhëroni dhe tekstin e përkthyer prezentoni në Historia e Shqipërisë.--Hipi Zhdripi 2005 Qershor 7 03:03 (UTC)
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Artikulli Kryesor: Ilirët
The origins of the Albanian people are not definitely known, but data drawn from history and from linguistic, archaeological, and anthropological studies have led to the conclusion that Albanians are the direct descendants of the ancient Illyrians and that the latter were natives of the lands they inhabited. Similarly, the Albanian language derives from the language of the Illyrians, the transition from Illyrian to Albanian apparently occurring between the 4th and 6th centuries AD. (Some scholars, however, dispute such theses, arguing that Illyrians were not autochthonous and that Albanian derives from a dialect of the now-extinct Thracian language.)
Illyrian culture is believed to have evolved from the Stone Age and to have manifested itself in the territory of Albania toward the beginning of the Bronze Age, about 2000 BC. The Illyrians were not a uniform body of people but a conglomeration of many tribes that inhabited the western part of the Balkans, from what is now Slovenia in the northwest to (and including) the region of Epirus, which extends about halfway down the mainland of modern Greece. In general, Illyrians in the highlands of Albania were more isolated than those in the lowlands, and their culture evolved more slowly—a distinction that persisted throughout Albania's history.
Authors of antiquity relate that the Illyrians were a sociable and hospitable people, renowned for their daring and bravery at war. Illyrian women were fairly equal in status to the men, even to the point of becoming heads of tribal federations. In matters of religion, Illyrians were pagans who believed in an afterlife and buried their dead along with arms and various articles intended for personal use.
The land of Illyria was rich in minerals—iron, copper, gold, silver—and Illyrians became skillful in the mining and processing of metals. They were highly skilled boat builders and sailors as well; indeed, their light, swift galleys known as liburnae were of such superior design that the Romans incorporated them into their own fleet as a type of warship called the Liburnian.
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]F R
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]The Romans ruled Illyria—which now became the province of Illyricum—for about six centuries. Under Roman rule Illyrian society underwent great change, especially in its outward, material aspect. Art and culture flourished, particularly in Apollonia, whose school of philosophy became celebrated in antiquity. To a great extent, though, the Illyrians resisted assimilation into Roman culture. Illyrian culture survived, along with the Illyrian tongue, though many Latin words entered the language and later became a part of the Albanian language.
Christianity manifested itself in Illyria during Roman rule, about the middle of the 1st century AD. At first the new religion had to compete with Oriental cults—among them that of Mithra, Persian god of light—which had entered the land in the wake of Illyria's growing interaction with eastern regions of the empire. For a long time it also had to compete with gods worshiped by Illyrian pagans. The steady growth of the Christian community in Dyrrhachium (the Roman name for Epidamnus) led to the creation there of a bishopric in AD 58. Later, episcopal seats were established in Apollonia, Buthrotum (modern Butrint), and Scodra (modern Shkodër).
By the time the empire began to decline, the Illyrians, profiting from a long tradition of martial habits and skills, had acquired great influence in the Roman military hierarchy. Indeed, several of them went on from there to become emperors. From the mid-3rd to the mid-4th century AD the reins of the empire were almost continuously in the hands of emperors of Illyrian origin: Gaius Decius, Claudius Gothicus, Aurelian, Probus, Diocletian, Justinian and Constantine the Great.
Ka shumë të dhëna e pak burime
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Artikulli duhet të mbështet në burime ashtu që të mund të përdoret edhe në projektet në gjuhët tjera dhe të jetë punim shkencorë.--Hipi Zhdripi 2006 Maj 17 00:11 (UTC)
Perkthim i Kryer
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]E perktheva kete artikull, por sidoqofte jam disi i pakenaqur nga mungesa e germave shqipe. duhet te kete nje menu te veacante qe te permbaje c = celesi, e = eshte dhe keshtu me rradhe. Gjthashtu jam disi i habiture nga mungesa e standartizimit te gjuhes neper disa artikuj. Ka shume shkrime neper dialekte te ndryshme, gje qe duhet te eliminohet menjehere 19 Qershor 2006 19:56 User:
- Perdoruesit
- Pershendetje! Keni kryer me te vertete nje pune te madhe. Nqs. keni mundesi dhe kohe jeni shume i mirepritur. Menyja e vecante per germat shqipe ndodhet poshte kutizez se redaktimit "Kryej ndryshimet" ose "Trego parapamjen" perkrah shkrimit: Simbolet kryesore për redaktim: Ç ç Ë ë. Aty mnd te gjeni dhe shume shenja te tjera te vecanta. Tung! Uni 20 Qershor 2006 17:43 (UTC)
Ka nje diskutim te panevojshem brenda artikullit
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Artikulli permban nje diskutim te panevojshem (Leka dhe Olsi), i cili eshte futur midis shenjave <-- -->. Diskutimi nuk e ka vendin aty, por duhet shperngulur ne faqen e diskutimit dmth. ketu. Zmadhim i panevojshem i faqes, duhen sa me pak kilobyte. Uni 20 Qershor 2006 17:59 (UTC)