Stampa:Infobox kishë
Kjo stampë përdor Lua: |
This infobox is for providing general information about a Christian church, including its history, architecture and staff. To provide information solely about the architectural details of a church building, use "{{Infobox religious building}}".
Churches vary from small chapels to large cathedrals; from corrugated iron sheds to architectural masterpieces of international importance. This template has to be adaptable to the worship locations of all religious denominations and as a consequence, it has many parameters. It is therefore important that editors exercise discretion in selecting an appropriate number of parameters. If the infobox for a particular church becomes excessive WP:BOLD applies and less significant parameters should be removed.
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]The full template for this infobox is set out below. Apart from the parameters indicated as mandatory and other instructions in the "Parameters" table below, all parameters are optional and may be left out to simplify the template. An example of the infobox in use is shown at the bottom of this page.
{{{name}}} | |
{{{fullname}}} | |
{{{other name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}]] | |
Lua error te Moduli:Location_map te rreshti 424: No value was provided for longitude. | |
0°N 0°E / 0°N 0°E | |
Rjet referimesh OS | {{{osgridref}}} |
Rjet referimesh OS | Stampa:Gbmappingsmall |
Vendndodhja | {{{location}}} |
Shteti | {{{country}}} |
Denominimi | {{{denomination}}} |
Denominime të mëhershme | {{{previous denomination}}} |
Tradita | {{{tradition}}} |
Instituti religjioz | {{{religious institute}}} |
en:Churchmanship | {{{churchmanship}}} |
Anëtarësimi | {{{membership}}} |
Pjesëmarrja javore | {{{attendance}}} |
Faqja zyrtare | {{{website}}} |
Historia | |
Emrat e mëparshëms | {{{former names}}} |
Letra e autorizuar papale | {{{bull date}}} |
Statusi | {{{status}}} |
Themeluar | {{{founded date}}} |
Themelues | {{{founder}}} |
Dedikim | {{{dedication}}} |
Dedikuar | {{{dedicated date}}} |
Dedikim i mëhershëm | {{{earlydedication}}} |
Dedikime të tjera | {{{otherdedication}}} |
Kushtuar | {{{consecrated date}}} |
Kulti | {{{cult}}} |
Relikte të mbajtura | {{{relics}}} |
Ngjarjet | {{{events}}} |
Peshkop(ë) të mëparshëm | {{{past bishop}}} |
Njerëz që ndërlidhen | {{{people}}} |
Arkitektura | |
Statusi funksional | {{{functional status}}} |
Përcaktim i trashëgimisë | {{{heritage designation}}} |
Përcaktuar | {{{designated date}}} |
Katedrale të mëparshme | {{{previous cathedrals}}} |
Arkitekt(ë) | {{{architect}}} |
Lloji arkitekturor | {{{architectural type}}} |
Stili | {{{style}}} |
Vitet e ndërtimit | {{{years built}}} |
Vënia e gurit të themelit | {{{groundbreaking}}} |
Përfunduar | {{{completed date}}} |
Kostoja e ndërtimit | {{{construction cost}}} |
Mbyllur | {{{closed date}}} |
Shembur | {{{demolished date}}} |
Imtësi | |
Kapaciteti | {{{capacity}}} |
Gjatësia | {{{length}}} |
Gjatësia e nefit | {{{length nave}}} |
Gjatësia e korit | {{{length choir}}} |
Gjerësia | {{{width}}} |
Gjerësia e nefit | {{{width nave}}} |
Gjerësia përtej shtesave | {{{width transepts}}} |
Lartësia | {{{height}}} |
Lartësia e nefit | {{{height nave}}} |
Lartësia e korit | {{{height choir}}} |
Diametri | {{{diameter}}} |
Dimensione të tjera | {{{other dimensions}}} |
Numri i kateve | {{{floor count}}} |
Zona e katit | {{{floor area}}} |
Numri i kubeve | {{{dome quantity}}} |
Lartësia e kubeve (nga jashtë) | {{{dome height outer}}} |
Lartësia e kubeve (nga brenda) | {{{dome height inner}}} |
Diametri i kubeve (nga jashtë) | {{{dome dia outer}}} |
Diametri i kubeve (nga brenda) | {{{dome dia inner}}} |
Numri i kullave | {{{tower quantity}}} |
Lartësia e kullave | {{{tower height}}} |
Numri i majave | {{{spire quantity}}} |
Lartësia e majave | {{{spire height}}} |
Materiali | {{{materials}}} |
Këmbana | {{{bells}}} ({{{bells hung}}}) |
Pesha e këmbanës | {{{bell weight}}} |
Administrimi | |
Famullia | {{{parish}}} |
Dhënia | {{{benefice}}} |
Dekanati | {{{deanery}}} |
Arqdekonia | {{{archdeaconry}}} |
[[|Zona e peshkopisë]] | {{{episcopalarea}}} |
Kryedioqeza | {{{archdiocese}}} |
Metropoli | {{{metropolis}}} |
Dioqeza | {{{diocese}}} (since {{{diocese start}}}) |
Provinca kishtare | {{{province}}} |
Këshilli kishtar | {{{presbytery}}} |
Këshilli | {{{synod}}} |
Qarku | {{{circuit}}} |
Rajoni | {{{district}}} |
Ndarja | {{{division}}} |
Nënndarja | {{{subdivision}}} |
Klerikët | |
Kryepeshkop | {{{archbishop}}} |
Peshkop(ë) | {{{bishop}}} |
Peshkop(ë) ndihmës | {{{auxiliary bishop}}} |
Mbrojtës i kardinalit | {{{cardinal protector}}} |
Abat | {{{abbot}}} |
Prior | {{{prior}}} |
Nënprior | {{{subprior}}} |
Dekan dhe Rektor | {{{provost-rector}}} |
Ekzark(ë) | {{{exarch}}} |
Dekan | {{{provost}}} |
Zëvendësdekan | {{{viceprovost}}} |
Rektor | {{{rector}}} |
Famullitar(ë) | {{{vicar}}} |
Kryetar | {{{dean}}} |
Nënkryetar | {{{subdean}}} |
Arqipeshkv | {{{archpriest}}} |
Paraardhës | {{{precentor}}} |
Pasardhës | {{{succentor}}} |
Kancelar | {{{chancellor}}} |
Kancelar standard | {{{canonchancellor}}} |
Prift | {{{canon}}} |
Pastor | {{{canonpastor}}} |
Prift misionar | {{{canonmissioner}}} |
Prift arkëtar | {{{canontreasurer}}} |
Klerik me pagë | {{{prebendary}}} |
Prift në detyrë | {{{priestincharge}}} |
Prift | {{{priest}}} |
Prift asistent | {{{asstpriest}}} |
Prift i Nderit | {{{honpriest}}} |
Ndihmës famullitar | {{{curate}}} |
Ndihmës famullitar asistent | {{{asstcurate}}} |
Meshtar pa pagë | {{{nonstipendiaryminister}}} |
Meshtar(ë) | {{{minister}}} |
Asistent | {{{assistant}}} |
Pastorë të mëdhenj | {{{seniorpastor}}} |
Pastor | {{{pastor}}} |
Kapelan | {{{chaplain}}} |
Kryedhjak | {{{archdeacon}}} |
Dhjak(ë) | {{{deacon}}} |
Dhjake | {{{deaconess}}} |
Laikët | |
Lexues | {{{reader}}} |
Student në praktikë | {{{student intern}}} |
Drejtor muzike | {{{organistdom}}} |
Regjisor muzike | {{{director}}} |
Organist | {{{organist}}} |
Dijetar organi | {{{organscholar}}} |
Nëpunës | {{{chapterclerk}}} |
Anëtar laik | {{{laychapter}}} |
Nëpunës i seancës | {{{sessionclerk}}} |
Arkëtar | {{{treasurer}}} |
Dhjak | {{{warden}}} |
Kishar | {{{verger}}} |
Menaxher biznesi | {{{businessmgr}}} |
Koordinator liturgjik | {{{liturgycoord}}} |
Koordinator edukatori religjioz | {{{reledu}}} |
Koorfinator për RCIA | {{{rcia}}} |
Koordinator për meshtarët e rinj | {{{youthmin}}} |
Flower guild | {{{flowerguild}}} |
Grupe muzikore | {{{musicgroup}}} |
Administrator famullish | {{{parishadmin}}} |
Servers' guild | {{{serversguild}}} |
Sakristan | {{{sacristan}}} |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logosize}}}|alt={{{logoalt}}}|link={{{logolink}}}]] |
{{Infobox kishë | icon = | icon_width = | icon_alt = | name = | fullname = | other name = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | image = | image_size = | alt = | caption = | pushpin map = | pushpin label position = | pushpin map alt = | pushpin mapsize = | relief = | map caption = | coordinates = <!-- {{Coord}} --> | osgraw = <!-- TEXT --> | osgridref = <!-- {{gbmappingsmall| TEXT}} --> | location = | country = [mandatory] | denomination = [mandatory] | previous denomination = | tradition = | religious institute = <!-- Can be substituted with 'religious order'--> | churchmanship = | membership = | attendance = | website = <!-- {{URL|}} --> | former name = | bull date = | founded date = <!-- {{start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} - but see note below --> | founder = | dedication = | dedicated date = | consecrated date = | cult = | relics = | events = | past bishop = | people = | status = | functional status = | heritage designation = | designated date = | architect = | architectural type = | style = | years built = | groundbreaking = | completed date = | construction cost = | closed date = | demolished date = | capacity = | length = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | width = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | width nave = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | height = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | diameter = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | other dimensions = | floor count = | floor area = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | dome quantity = | dome height outer = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | dome height inner = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | dome dia outer = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | dome dia inner = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | spire quantity = | spire height = <!-- {{convert| }} --> | materials = | bells = | bells hung = | bell weight = <!-- {{long ton|0| }} --> | parish = | benefice = | deanery = | archdeaconry = | episcopalarea = | archdiocese = | metropolis = | diocese = | province = | presbytery = | synod = | circuit = | district = | division = | subdivision = | archbishop = | bishop = | auxiliary bishop = | cardinal protector = | abbot = | prior = | subprior = | exarch = | provost-rector = | provost = | viceprovost = | rector = | vicar = | dean = | subdean = | archpriest = | precentor = | succentor = | chancellor = | canonchancellor = | canon = | canonpastor = | canonmissioner = | canontreasurer = | prebendary = | priestincharge = | priest = | asstpriest = | honpriest = | curate = | asstcurate = | nonstipendiaryminister = | minister = | assistant = | seniorpastor = | pastor = | chaplain = | archdeacon = | deacon = | deaconess = | reader = | student intern = | organistdom = | director = | organist = | organscholar = | chapterclerk = | laychapter = | warden = | verger = | businessmgr = | liturgycoord = | reledu = | rcia = | youthmin = | flowerguild = | musicgroup = | parishadmin = | serversguild = | sacristan = | logo = | logosize = | logolink = | logoalt = | embedded = }}
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name and image | |||||||||||||||||||||
icon | Optional icon above the Church name (specify an image file and size) | ||||||||||||||||||||
name | The common name of the church. If this is omitted, the article name is used. | ||||||||||||||||||||
fullname | The full name of the church, if this is different from its common name. For instance, "Westminster Abbey " can be placed in the "name" parameter, and "The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster " in the "fullname" parameter.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
other name | Significant nicknames; name in native language (using {{lang}}. Separate multiple values using {{Plainlist}}. | ||||||||||||||||||||
image img |
The name of an image file containing a photograph of the church. If the image is called "File:WesleyMethodistChurch-sepiapostcard.jpg", just type "WesleyMethodistChurch-sepiapostcard.jpg ". Do not include "File: " or enclose the file name in double square brackets ("[[ ]]").
| ||||||||||||||||||||
image_size imagesize img size |
The width of the image in pixels (px). For example, if you wish the image to be 150px wide, type "150 ". Do not add "px " after the number. If no number is stated, the width defaults to 220px for an image for a portrait image (i.e., one the width of which is shorter than the height) and 300px for a landscape image (one the width of which is longer than the height).
| ||||||||||||||||||||
alt imagealt |
Alt text for the image. For more information, see "Wikipedia:Alternative text for images". | ||||||||||||||||||||
caption img capt |
The caption for the image. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Pushpin map, coordinates and location | |||||||||||||||||||||
pushpin map | The country name of a location map, e.g., "Indonesia ", "Russia ". See "Category:Location map templates by country" for a list of countries for which location maps are currently available. For information on creating new maps, see "Template:Location map#Creating new maps". The coordinate fields below position a pushpin coordinate marker and label on the location map automatically.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
pushpin label position | The position of the label on the pushpin map relative to the pushpin coordinate marker. Valid options are "left ", "right ", "top ", "bottom " and "none ". If this parameter is not used or no value is specified, the default value is "right".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
pushpin map alt | Alt text for the pushpin map. | ||||||||||||||||||||
pushpin mapsize | Must be entered only as a number – do not type "px " after it. The default value is 250.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
map caption | A caption for the pushpin map. | ||||||||||||||||||||
relief | Any non-empty value will load a relief version of the location map if available, (instead of the default, blank administrative location map). | ||||||||||||||||||||
coordinates | The latitude and longitude of the church. Use {{Coord}} with appropriate parameters. | ||||||||||||||||||||
osgraw | (Short for "OS grid reference raw".) To provide the geographic grid references of a church in Great Britain according to the British national grid reference system, code simply as the grid ref, for example, "TQ 414 104 ". Spaces are allowed.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
osgridref | As for |osgraw= above, but code as "{{gbmappingsmall | TQ 414 104 }}". Note: use |osgraw= or |osgridref= , not both.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
location | The city (and the province or state, if applicable) that the church is located in. | ||||||||||||||||||||
country | The country in which the church is located. This must be stated. In accordance with "Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Icons#Avoid flag icons in infoboxes", do not insert an image of the flag of the country before the country name. In accordance with "Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Linking#What generally should not be linked", do not link the name of the country. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Affiliation, attendance and website | |||||||||||||||||||||
denomination | The denomination of the church; for example, "[[Anglicanism|Anglican]] ", "[[Catholic Church|Catholic]] ", "[[Interdenominationalism|Interdenominational]] ", "[[Methodism|Methodist]] ", "[[Non-denominational Christianity|Non-denominational]] ", "[[Presbyterianism|Presbyterian]] ". This must be stated. If possible, link the denomination to an appropriate article using double square brackets.
The background colour of the template headings is specified for certain denominations; to view these colours, see "Template:Infobox church/denomination" and "Template:Infobox church/font color". Before changing the colours, or inserting new denominations and colours, please discuss the matter with other editors at "Template talk:Infobox church". | ||||||||||||||||||||
previous denomination | Insert any previous denomination(s) here. | ||||||||||||||||||||
tradition | Christian tradition of the church. | ||||||||||||||||||||
religious institute/religious order | One or the other can be used to specify the institute or order with which the church is affiliated, e.g. Society of Jesus | ||||||||||||||||||||
churchmanship | The form of churchmanship of the church, for example, "[[High church]] ", "[[Low church]] ", "[[Evangelicalism|Evangelical]] ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
membership | The number of members. Indicate the year in parentheses after the number, for example, "5,025 (2008) ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
attendance | The average weekly attendance at services. Indicate the date, and if necessary the particular service, in parentheses after each number, for example, "4,346 (as on 20–21 December 2008) ", "867 (9:30 am service), 773 (11:30 am) (as on 21 December 2008) ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
website | The website address of the church, using {{URL}}, thus: "{{URL|}} ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
History | |||||||||||||||||||||
former name | The former name(s) of the church, if any. | ||||||||||||||||||||
bull date | The date of the papal bull authorizing the establishment of the church. | ||||||||||||||||||||
founded date | The date when the church was founded. For Gregorian dates (that is, after about 1750), use the template {{start date}}. Add the parameter "df=yes" if full dates in the article are set out with the day before the month, as follows: "{{start date|1885|2|6|df=yes}} ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
founder | The name(s) of the founder(s) of the church. | ||||||||||||||||||||
dedication | The name of the saint to which the church is dedicated, for example, "[[Mary Magdalene]] ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
dedicated date | The date when the church was dedicated and/or consecrated. The starting and ending years or dates of a time period should be separated by an en dash, like this: "1907–1908 "; "January 12, 1906 – July 31, 1907 ". To insert an en dash, either type "–" or click on the appropriate symbol in the character insertion table under the edit window.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
consecrated date | |||||||||||||||||||||
cult | The name of the saint that the church is a cult centre of. | ||||||||||||||||||||
relics | Significant relics held by the church. | ||||||||||||||||||||
events | Significant historical events in the life of the church, for example, accidental or deliberate burnings, attacks, and major building extensions. | ||||||||||||||||||||
past bishop | The name(s) of significant former bishop(s) of a cathedral. | ||||||||||||||||||||
people | Significant non-clerical people who played an important part in the church's history, for example, a person responsible for the restoration or destruction of the building. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Architecture | |||||||||||||||||||||
status | The church's current ecclesiastical status or, if presently unused, its last previous status, for example, "[[Basilica]] ", "[[Cathedral]] ", "[[Church (building)|Church]] ", "[[Oratory]] ", "[[Parish church]] ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
functional status | The current function of the church, for example, "Abandoned ", "Active ", "[[Museum]] ", "Preserved ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
heritage designation | Any heritage designation that has been given to the church. | ||||||||||||||||||||
designated date | The date when the church was given its heritage designation. | ||||||||||||||||||||
architect | The name(s) of the architect(s) of the church. | ||||||||||||||||||||
architectural type | A description of the original function of the building, for example, "[[Basilica]] ", "[[Cathedral]] ", "[[Chapel]] ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
style | The architectural style of the church. If possible, link the style to an appropriate article using double square brackets, for example, "[[Baroque architecture|Baroque]] ", "[[Gothic architecture|Gothic]] ", "[[Gothic Revival architecture|Gothic Revival]] ", "[[Medieval architecture|Medieval]] ", "[[Modern architecture|Modern]] ", "[[Romanesque architecture|Romanesque]] ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
years built | The year(s) in which the church was built. | ||||||||||||||||||||
groundbreaking | The date when the groundbreaking ceremony of the church was held, or the date that construction of the building began. | ||||||||||||||||||||
completed date | The date when construction of the building was completed. | ||||||||||||||||||||
construction cost | The total cost of construction. | ||||||||||||||||||||
closed date | The dates when the church was closed and/or demolished. | ||||||||||||||||||||
demolished date | |||||||||||||||||||||
Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||
capacity | The number of people that the church can accommodate at any one time. | ||||||||||||||||||||
length | The overall length, width, nave width, height, diameter and/or other dimensions of the church. If the building is on United States territory, put measurements in Imperial units (feet and inches) first, then in metres in parentheses. If the building is on territory that uses the metric system of measurement, place measurements in metres first, then in feet and inches in parentheses. (See "Wikipedia:Manual of Style (dates and numbers)#Which units to use" for more information.) This can be done using the {{convert}} template, like this: "{{convert|404|ft|m|abbr=on}} ", "{{convert|120|m|ftin|abbr=on}} ".
The name of any significant part of the church the dimensions of which are being stated should be indicated in parentheses after the measurement; for example, " | ||||||||||||||||||||
width | |||||||||||||||||||||
width nave | |||||||||||||||||||||
height | |||||||||||||||||||||
diameter | |||||||||||||||||||||
other dimensions | |||||||||||||||||||||
floor count | The number of floors, levels or storeys. | ||||||||||||||||||||
floor area | The floor area, for example, "{{convert|700|m2|sqft|abbr=on}} ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
dome quantity | The number of domes. | ||||||||||||||||||||
dome height outer | The outer and inner height and diameter of any dome. | ||||||||||||||||||||
dome height inner | |||||||||||||||||||||
dome dia outer | |||||||||||||||||||||
dome dia inner | |||||||||||||||||||||
spire quantity | The number of spires. | ||||||||||||||||||||
spire height | The height of any spire. | ||||||||||||||||||||
materials | The principal building materials used to construct the church. | ||||||||||||||||||||
bells | The number of bells. | ||||||||||||||||||||
bells hung | The arrangement in which the bells are hung. | ||||||||||||||||||||
bell weight | The weight of the tenor bell. Use {{long ton}}. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Administration | |||||||||||||||||||||
parish | The parish, benefice, deanery, archdeaconry, episcopal area (Methodist) / Area bishop (Anglican), archdiocese, metropolis, diocese, province, presbytery, synod, circuit or district that the church is located in, if any.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
benefice | |||||||||||||||||||||
deanery | |||||||||||||||||||||
archdeaconry | |||||||||||||||||||||
episcopalarea | |||||||||||||||||||||
archdiocese | |||||||||||||||||||||
metropolitan | |||||||||||||||||||||
diocese | |||||||||||||||||||||
province | |||||||||||||||||||||
presbytery | |||||||||||||||||||||
synod | |||||||||||||||||||||
circuit | |||||||||||||||||||||
district | |||||||||||||||||||||
division | If a system other than that indicated above is used for the church, these fields can be used to indicate the geographical division and subdivision that the church is located in, for example, "[[North Carolina Annual Conference]] ", "[[Tennessee Baptist Convention]] ".
| ||||||||||||||||||||
subdivision | |||||||||||||||||||||
Clergy | |||||||||||||||||||||
archbishop | The name(s) of the archbishop, bishop(s), auxiliary bishop(s), cardinal protector, abbot(s), prior(s), subpriors, vicar(s), exarch(s), provost-rector(s), provost(s), vice-provost(s), rector(s), dean(s), subdean(s), archpriest, precentor(s), succentor(s), chancellor(s), canon(s), canon pastor(s), prebendary(-ies), priest in charge, priest(s), assistant priest(s), honorary priest(s), curate(s), assistant curate(s), minister(s), assistant(s), senior pastor(s), pastor(s), chaplain(s), archdeacon(s), deacon(s), and/or deaconess(es) of the church, if applicable.
Separate several names with commas (","), or put each name on a separate line by typing " | ||||||||||||||||||||
bishop | |||||||||||||||||||||
auxiliary bishop | |||||||||||||||||||||
cardinal protector | |||||||||||||||||||||
abbot | |||||||||||||||||||||
prior | |||||||||||||||||||||
subprior | |||||||||||||||||||||
vicar | |||||||||||||||||||||
exarch | |||||||||||||||||||||
provost-rector | |||||||||||||||||||||
provost | |||||||||||||||||||||
viceprovost | |||||||||||||||||||||
rector | |||||||||||||||||||||
dean | |||||||||||||||||||||
subdean | |||||||||||||||||||||
archpriest | |||||||||||||||||||||
precentor | |||||||||||||||||||||
succentor | |||||||||||||||||||||
chancellor | |||||||||||||||||||||
canon | |||||||||||||||||||||
canonpastor | |||||||||||||||||||||
canonmissioner | |||||||||||||||||||||
canontreasurer | |||||||||||||||||||||
prebendary | |||||||||||||||||||||
priestincharge | |||||||||||||||||||||
priest | |||||||||||||||||||||
asstpriest | |||||||||||||||||||||
honpriest | |||||||||||||||||||||
curate | |||||||||||||||||||||
asstcurate | |||||||||||||||||||||
nonstipendiaryminister | |||||||||||||||||||||
minister | |||||||||||||||||||||
assistant | |||||||||||||||||||||
seniorpastor | |||||||||||||||||||||
pastor | |||||||||||||||||||||
chaplain | |||||||||||||||||||||
archdeacon | |||||||||||||||||||||
deacon | |||||||||||||||||||||
deaconess | |||||||||||||||||||||
Laity | |||||||||||||||||||||
reader | The name(s) of the reader, student intern, director of music, organist(s), organ scholar(s), chapter clerk, lay member(s) of the chapter, churchwarden(s), verger(s), business manager, liturgy coordinator, religious education coordinator, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) coordinator, and/or youth ministry coordinator of the church, if any. | ||||||||||||||||||||
student intern | |||||||||||||||||||||
organistdom | |||||||||||||||||||||
director | |||||||||||||||||||||
organist | |||||||||||||||||||||
organscholar | |||||||||||||||||||||
chapterclerk | |||||||||||||||||||||
laychapter | |||||||||||||||||||||
warden | |||||||||||||||||||||
verger | |||||||||||||||||||||
businessmgr | |||||||||||||||||||||
liturgycoord | |||||||||||||||||||||
reledu | |||||||||||||||||||||
rcia | |||||||||||||||||||||
youthmin | |||||||||||||||||||||
flowerguild | The name of the flower guild, music group, parish administration and/or servers' guild of the church, if any. | ||||||||||||||||||||
musicgroup | |||||||||||||||||||||
parishadmin | |||||||||||||||||||||
serversguild | |||||||||||||||||||||
sacristan | The sacristan of the church. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Bottom of infobox | |||||||||||||||||||||
logo | The name of a file containing an image of the logo of the church. Do not include "File: " in front of the filename or enclose the file name in double square brackets.
Many of such images will be subject to copyright. Therefore, please comply with "Wikipedia:Non-free content" by ensuring that the image description page has an appropriate copyright tag and non-free use rationale. See "Wikipedia:Logos" for more information. | ||||||||||||||||||||
logosize | The width of the logo in pixels (px). Do not add "px " after the number. If no number is stated, the width defaults to 100px.
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logolink | A hyperlink for the logo. This can either be a URL or the name of a Wikipedia article. Do not enclose the URL or article name in square brackets. If no link is specified or the parameter is omitted, the logo is linked to its image description page. | ||||||||||||||||||||
logoalt | Alt text for the logo. For more information, see "Wikipedia:Alternative text for images". | ||||||||||||||||||||
embedded | Embed another infobox with such capability like {{designation list}} and {{infobox NRHP}} |
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Wesley Methodist Church | |
name in local language. If more than one, separate using {{Plain list}} | |
Rjet referimesh OS | Stampa:Gbmappingsmall |
Rjet referimesh OS | Stampa:Gbmappingsmall |
Shteti | Singapore |
Denominimi | Methodist |
Pjesëmarrja javore | 4,346 (as on 20–21 December 2008) |
Faqja zyrtare | www |
Historia | |
Emrat e mëparshëm | Methodist Episcopal Church |
Statusi | Church |
Themeluar | 6 shkurt 1885 |
Themelues | Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James Mills Thoburn, Rev. William Fitzjames Oldham, Mrs. Marie Oldham, Miss Julia Battie |
Dedikuar | 4 shkurt 1909 |
Arkitektura | |
Statusi funksional | Active |
Stili | Gothic |
Vënia e gurit të themelit | December 1907 |
Përfunduar | End 1908 |
Imtësi | |
Materiali | Brick |
Administrimi | |
Ndarja | Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) |
Klerikët | |
Pastorë të mëdhenj | Rev. Melvin Hwang (Pastor in Charge) |
Pastor | Rev. Alvin Chan, Rev. Lilian Ang, Rev. Philip Lim, Rev. Daniel Tan, Rev. Michael Tan, Rev. Wendy Watson, Rev. Khoo Kay Huat |
Laikët | |
Grupe muzikore | Dawnbreakers, John Wesley Choir, Wesley Chorale, Wesley Singers, Wesley Heralds |
{{Infobox kishë | name = Wesley Methodist Church | native_name = name in local language. If more than one, separate using {{tl|Plain list}} | native_name_lang = | image = WesleyMethodistChurch-sepiapostcard.jpg | caption = Wesley Methodist Church, from an old [[Photographic print toning#Sepia toning|sepia-toned]] postcard. | osgridref = {{gbmappingsmall|TQ 414 104}} | osgraw = TQ 414 104<!-- NB. duplicated for this example only!! --> | country = [[Singapore]] | website = {{URL|}} | former name = Methodist Episcopal Church | founded date = {{Start date|1885|2|6|df=yes}} | founder = Rev. Dr. and Mrs. [[James Mills Thoburn]], Rev. [[William Fitzjames Oldham]], Mrs. Marie Oldham, Miss Julia Battie | dedicated date = {{Start date|1909|02|04|df=y}} | denomination = [[Methodism|Methodist]] | attendance = 4,346 (as on 20–21 December 2008) | status = [[Church (building)|Church]] | functional status = Active | style = [[Gothic architecture|Gothic]] | groundbreaking = December 1907 | completed date = End 1908 | materials = [[Brick]] | division = Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) | seniorpastor = Rev. Melvin Hwang (Pastor in Charge) | pastor = Rev. Alvin Chan, Rev. Lilian Ang, Rev. Philip Lim, Rev. Daniel Tan, Rev. Michael Tan, Rev. Wendy Watson, Rev. Khoo Kay Huat | musicgroup = Dawnbreakers, John Wesley Choir, Wesley Chorale, Wesley Singers, Wesley Heralds }}
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]{{{Name}}} | |
Elevation |
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Të dhënat e stampës për stampën Infobox kishë No description.