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Sarifuddin Sudding

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politikan indonezian

External resources

Indonesian parliament candidate ID 2019
Library of Congress ID
Google Knowledge Graph ID
OpenSanctions ID
WorldCat Entities ID
People's Representative Council of Indonesia ID

instancë e



data e lindjes

vendi i lindjes


number of children

gjuhë që flet, shkruan ose këndon

pozicioni që ka mbajtur

Member of the People's Representative Council of Indonesia[12][4]

parliamentary term: 18th People's Representative Council

zonë zgjedhore: Central Sulawesi

koha e përfundimit: 30 shtator 2019

koha e fillimit: 1 tetor 2014

parliamentary group: People's Conscience Party

elected in: 2014 Indonesian legislative election

Member of Indonesia's Regional Representative Council[20]

parliamentary term: 17th People's Representative Council

zonë zgjedhore: Central Sulawesi

koha e përfundimit: 30 shtator 2014

koha e fillimit: 1 tetor 2009

parliamentary group: People's Conscience Party

elected in: 2009 Indonesian People's Representative Council election

Member of the People's Representative Council of Indonesia[5]

parliamentary term: 19th People's Representative Council

zonë zgjedhore: Central Sulawesi

koha e përfundimit: 30 shtator 2024

koha e fillimit: 1 tetor 2019

parliamentary group: National Mandate Party

elected in: 2019 Indonesian legislative election

arsimuar në

vlerë e panjohur[21]

koha e fillimit: 1978

koha e përfundimit: 1979

vlerë e panjohur[22]

koha e fillimit: 1981

koha e përfundimit: 1982

vlerë e panjohur[23]

koha e fillimit: 1984

koha e përfundimit: 1985

Indonesian Muslim University of Makassar[24]

koha e fillimit: 1989

koha e përfundimit: 1990

Indonesian Muslim University of Makassar[25]

koha e fillimit: 2004

koha e përfundimit: 2005

prefiks nderi

prapashtesë nderi



anëtar në partinë politike

People's Conscience Party[4][11][29]
National Mandate Party[5][30][10]

candidacy in election

2014 Indonesian People's Representative Council election[31]

votat e pranuara: 42.660

candidate number: 7201-00-0000-1001

zonë zgjedhore: Central Sulawesi

anëtar në partinë politike: People's Conscience Party

2009 Indonesian People's Representative Council election[32][33]

votat e pranuara: 28.571

zonë zgjedhore: Central Sulawesi

candidate number: 1

referuar si: H. Sarifuddin Sudding, SH, MH

anëtar në partinë politike: People's Conscience Party

2019 Indonesian People's Representative Council election[1]

legjislative: People's Representative Council

candidate number: 1

zonë zgjedhore: Central Sulawesi

anëtar në partinë politike: National Mandate Party

2024 Indonesian People's Representative Council election[34]

legjislative: People's Representative Council

candidate position: 1

zonë zgjedhore: Central Sulawesi

anëtar në partinë politike: National Mandate Party

curriculum vitae URL


gjuha e veprës ose emrit: Gjuha indoneziane

data e publikimit: 2013


  1. ^ a b 3 nëntor 2021, 10.17632/JHWS2WYDS5.1, https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/jhws2wyds5/1/files/93c27ac7-3b79-4a48-a052-58d98bf8e532
  2. ^ Datoteka e Autoritetit Virtual Ndërkombëtar, 6 mars 2019
  3. ^ n2014217525, 13 prill 2024, Library of Congress Authorities
  4. ^ a b c d https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/dpr.go.id/AnggotaDPR/anggota_dpr.csv, korrik 2020, 9 maj 2016
  5. ^ a b c d http://dpr.go.id/anggota/detail/id/1791, 5 korrik 2020
  6. ^ pemiluAPI, L, 12 qershor 2014, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/calon/2014/dpr/calon-dpr.csv, 12 tetor 2021
  7. ^ Pemilu Asia 2009 DPR data
  8. ^ pemiluAPI, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/incumbents/incumbent-DPR.csv, 25 nëntor 2021
  9. ^ https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/jhws2wyds5/1/files/93c27ac7-3b79-4a48-a052-58d98bf8e532, Laki-Laki, 10.17632/JHWS2WYDS5.1, 3 nëntor 2021
  10. ^ a b c d list of permanent candidates for DPR 2024
  11. ^ a b c d pemiluAPI, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/calon/2014/dpr/calon-dpr.csv, 12 qershor 2014, 12 tetor 2021
  12. ^ a b c d http://dpr.go.id/blog/profil/id/582, maj 2016
  13. ^ pemiluAPI, 1966-08-06, 12 qershor 2014, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/calon/2014/dpr/calon-dpr.csv, 12 tetor 2021
  14. ^ pemiluAPI, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/incumbents/incumbent-DPR.csv, 25 nëntor 2021, 1966-08-06
  15. ^ DPR Website, 06 Agustus 1966, 28 korrik 2020, https://github.com/seuriously/profilingDPR2019/blob/master/data_anggota_dpr_2019.csv, 12 tetor 2021
  16. ^ https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/jhws2wyds5/1/files/93c27ac7-3b79-4a48-a052-58d98bf8e532, 06-08-1966, 10.17632/JHWS2WYDS5.1, 3 nëntor 2021
  17. ^ pemiluAPI, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/incumbents/incumbent-DPR.csv, 25 nëntor 2021, 5
  18. ^ https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/jhws2wyds5/1/files/93c27ac7-3b79-4a48-a052-58d98bf8e532, 5, 10.17632/JHWS2WYDS5.1, 3 nëntor 2021
  19. ^ inferred from political candidacy
  20. ^ pemiluAPI, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/incumbents/incumbent-DPR.csv, 25 nëntor 2021, nama:H. Syarifuddin Sudding, SH. MH;dapil:Sulteng;id:DPR047;urutan:1
  21. ^ korrik 2020, SDN salatubu. Tahun: 1978 - 1979, 9 maj 2016, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/dpr.go.id/AnggotaDPR/anggota_dpr.csv
  22. ^ korrik 2020, SMPN Walenrang . Tahun: 1981 - 1982, 9 maj 2016, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/dpr.go.id/AnggotaDPR/anggota_dpr.csv
  23. ^ korrik 2020, SMAN 4 Ujung Pandang. Tahun: 1984 - 1985, 9 maj 2016, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/dpr.go.id/AnggotaDPR/anggota_dpr.csv
  24. ^ korrik 2020, Univ. Muslim Indonesia Makassar. Tahun: 1989 - 1990, 9 maj 2016, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/dpr.go.id/AnggotaDPR/anggota_dpr.csv
  25. ^ korrik 2020, Univ. Muslim Indonesia Makassar. Tahun: 2004 - 2005, 9 maj 2016, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/dpr.go.id/AnggotaDPR/anggota_dpr.csv
  26. ^ pemiluAPI, Paninggilan, Ciledug, Kota Tangerang, 12 qershor 2014, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/calon/2014/dpr/calon-dpr.csv, 12 tetor 2021
  27. ^ Pemilu Asia 2009 DPR data, Kota Tangerang
  28. ^ inferred from NIK, 1 nëntor 2021, 367106060866****, 228623
  29. ^ Pemilu Asia 2009 DPR data, Hanura
  30. ^ https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/jhws2wyds5/1/files/93c27ac7-3b79-4a48-a052-58d98bf8e532, Partai Amanat Nasional, 10.17632/JHWS2WYDS5.1, 3 nëntor 2021
  31. ^ pemiluAPI, urutan:1;id:7201-00-0000-1001;suara:42660;dapil:Sulawesi Tengah, 12 qershor 2014, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/calon/2014/dpr/calon-dpr.csv, 12 tetor 2021
  32. ^ Pemilu Asia 2009 DPR data, nama:H. Sarifuddin Sudding, SH, MH;dapil:Sulteng;suara:28571;urut:1;partai:Hanura
  33. ^ http://www.pemilu.asia/images/DCT/DPR/Sulteng.pdf, Indonesian 2009 DPR Ballot
  34. ^ list of permanent candidates for DPR 2024, id:20887;urutan:1;dapil:SULAWESI TENGAH, Dr. Sarifuddin Sudding, S.H., M.H.
  35. ^ pemiluAPI, Islam, 12 qershor 2014, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/calon/2014/dpr/calon-dpr.csv, 12 tetor 2021
  36. ^ pemiluAPI, https://github.com/pemiluAPI/pemilu-data/blob/master/incumbents/incumbent-DPR.csv, 25 nëntor 2021, Islam
  37. ^ DPR Website, Islam, 28 korrik 2020, https://github.com/seuriously/profilingDPR2019/blob/master/data_anggota_dpr_2019.csv, 12 tetor 2021
  38. ^ https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/jhws2wyds5/1/files/93c27ac7-3b79-4a48-a052-58d98bf8e532, Islam, 10.17632/JHWS2WYDS5.1, 3 nëntor 2021