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Guild of the German Stage

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German trade union organisation of the stage workers

External resources

Library of Congress ID
Facebook ID
EU VAT number
Freebase ID
museum-digital person ID


1 dhjetor 1871


emër i shkurtër


fushë e punës

Tariff policy
cultural policy

founded by

Franz Krückl[2]
Ludwig Barnay
Ernst Gettke


Franz Betz

koha e përfundimit: 1879

koha e fillimit: 1872

Carl Gustav Berndal

koha e përfundimit: 1882

koha e fillimit: 1880

Franz Betz

koha e përfundimit: 1890

koha e fillimit: 1882

Max Pohl

koha e përfundimit: 1908

koha e fillimit: 1901

Gustav Rickelt

koha e përfundimit: 1927

koha e fillimit: 1914

Carl Wallauer

koha e përfundimit: 1932

koha e fillimit: 1927

Erich Otto

koha e përfundimit: 1933

koha e fillimit: 1932

Erich Otto

koha e përfundimit: 1950

koha e fillimit: 1945

Heinrich Wullner

koha e përfundimit: 1972

koha e fillimit: 1951

John Glaser

koha e përfundimit: 1963

koha e fillimit: 1951

Wolfgang Windgassen

koha e përfundimit: 1972

koha e fillimit: 1963

Hans Herdlein[3]

koha e përfundimit: 2009

koha e fillimit: 1972

Lisa Jopt

koha e fillimit: 2021


anëtar i

Deutscher Musikrat[4]
German Cultural Council
International Federation of Actors

location of formation

vendndodhja e selisë

street address

Heinrichstraße 23-25, 22769 Hamburg

located on street: Heinrichstraße

house number: 23-25

webfaqja zyrtare


gjuha e veprës ose emrit: gjermanisht

koha e fillimit: 2023

reason for preferred rank: currently valid value

formë tjetër

Verkehrsgewerkschaft GDBA

kategoria në Commons

Genossenschaft Deutscher Bühnen-Angehöriger

kategoria kryesore

Category:Guild of the German Stage


  1. ^ National Library of Israel Names and Subjects Authority File
  2. ^ Biographisches Jahrbuch und Deutscher Nekrolog, 203, https://archive.org/details/biographischesj09wolfgoog/page/n218/mode/1up, 17 shtator 2024, 4, 1899
  3. ^ GND, 123444586
  4. ^ 5 prill 2019, https://www.musikrat.de/organisation/dmr-ev/mitglieder/ordentliche-mitglieder/
  5. ^ 5 prill 2019, https://www.kulturrat.de/ueber-uns/rat-fuer-darstellende-kunst-und-tanz/