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Ågot Valle

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politikane norvegjeze

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Store norske leksikon ID
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Storting person ID

instancë e




emri në gjuhën amë

Ågot Valle





data e lindjes

26 maj 1945[2]

vendi i lindjes


e vendosur në entitetin territorial administrativ të: Nord-Trøndelag

gjuhë që flet, shkruan ose këndon


pozicioni që ka mbajtur

member of the Parliament of Norway[2]

parliamentary term: 1997–2001 term of the Storting

zonë zgjedhore: Hordaland electoral division

parliamentary group: Socialist Left Party

koha e fillimit: 1 tetor 1997

koha e përfundimit: 30 shtator 2001

elected in: 1997 Norwegian parliamentary election

member of the Parliament of Norway[2]

parliamentary term: 2001–2005 term of the Storting

zonë zgjedhore: Hordaland electoral division

parliamentary group: Socialist Left Party

koha e fillimit: 1 tetor 2001

koha e përfundimit: 30 shtator 2005

elected in: 2001 Norwegian parliamentary election

member of the Parliament of Norway[2]

parliamentary term: 2005–2009 term of the Storting

zonë zgjedhore: Hordaland electoral division

parliamentary group: Socialist Left Party

koha e fillimit: 1 tetor 2005

koha e përfundimit: 30 shtator 2009

elected in: 2005 Norwegian parliamentary election

President of the Odelstinget[3]

replaces: Gunnar Skaug

koha e fillimit: 9 tetor 2001

zëvendësuar nga: Berit Brørby

koha e përfundimit: 30 shtator 2005

vend pune

anëtar në partinë politike

Socialist Left Party[2]

kategoria në Commons

Ågot Valle


  1. ^ Freebase Data Dumps, 28 tetor 2013
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h 20 shtator 2019, https://www.stortinget.no/no/Representanter-og-komiteer/Representantene/Representantfordeling/Representant/?perid=AGV&tab=Biography
  3. ^ stortinget.no, AGV