Wikipedia:Robotët/Kërkesë për miratim/MajavahBot
(Përcjellë nga Wikipedia:Botët/Kërkesë për miratim/MajavahBot)
Operator: Majavah
Automatik apo i shoqëruar: Automatik
Gjuhë programimi: Python, using standard Pywikibot script
Përmbledhja e përdorimit: Automatically archive configured talk pages
Periudha e redaktimit ( gjithnjë, përditë, njëherë,...): daily
Ritmi i redaktimeve: a run once a day, depending on the database lag one edit in about ten seconds for the duration of the run
Ka titullin? (Po/Jo): no
Hollësitë e përdorimit: See Përdoruesi:MajavahBot. Basically this bot archives all pages that have been configured to do so using Përdoruesi:MajavahBot/config.
- Faleminderit, Majavah (diskutimet) 12 maj 2020 14:29 (CEST)
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]- @Majavah, Please make
about 30some edits so we can see how the bot runs, maybe on this page Wikipedia:Teknologji. Thanks.--Liridon (diskutimet) 15 maj 2020 20:45 (CEST)
- @Liridon,. I did one full run. Majavah (diskutimet) 16 maj 2020 12:37 (CEST)
- @Majavah, you indeed have but you haven't archived the page Liridon gave as an example because no bot template was there. Anyway I think Kuvendi and Zyra e Ankesave will be enough as examples anyway. @Liridon, take a look at those pages above and their archives. :) - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 16 maj 2020 13:08 (CEST)
- That was my mistake, sorry. Didn't realize that as the original e-mail I got didn't contain that part. Majavah (diskutimet) 16 maj 2020 13:27 (CEST)
- @Majavah, you indeed have but you haven't archived the page Liridon gave as an example because no bot template was there. Anyway I think Kuvendi and Zyra e Ankesave will be enough as examples anyway. @Liridon, take a look at those pages above and their archives. :) - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 16 maj 2020 13:08 (CEST)
- @Liridon,. I did one full run. Majavah (diskutimet) 16 maj 2020 12:37 (CEST)
[Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]U miratua--Liridon (diskutimet) 17 maj 2020 14:09 (CEST)