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Lista e filmave sipas buxhetit

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Kjo është lista e filmave sipas buxhetit.

Vendi Filmi Viti Buxheti
1 Spider-Man 3 2007 $258,000,000
2 X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 $210,000,000
3 King Kong (2005 film) 2005 $207,000,000
4 Superman Returns 2006 $204,000,000
5 Titanic 1997 $200,000,000
6 Spider-Man 2 2004 $200,000,000
7 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 2005 $180,000,000
8 Troy 2004 $175,000,000
9 Waterworld 1995 $175,000,000
10 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 2003 $175,000,000

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