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Andrej Babis

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Czech politician and businessman

data: 17 nëntor 2023

media legend: Andrej Babiš in November 2023

External resources

Treccani ID

referuar si: Babiš, Andrej

Threads username
WorldCat Entities ID
Hlídač státu person ID
Czech parliament ID
ČSFD person ID
Databazeknih.cz author ID
NE.se ID
TikTok username
Facebook ID

ka veçori: verified account or profile

CBDB.cz author ID
Omni topic ID
Freebase ID
Der Spiegel topic ID
Library of Congress ID
TASS Encyclopedia person ID
abART person ID
OpenSanctions ID
emri në Twiter

X numeric user ID: 713035525

number of subscribers: 379.186

koha e fillimit: 23 korrik 2012

zbatohet në juridiksionin territorial: Republika Çeke

data: 10 maj 2018

Hrvatska enciklopedija ID
Personality Database profile ID
IdRef ID
Süddeutsche Zeitung topic ID
Munzinger person ID
Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online ID
Store norske leksikon ID
Den Store Danske ID
Online PWN Encyclopedia ID
Who's Who UK ID
TMDB person ID
EU Knowledge Graph item ID
LittleSis people ID
emri në Instagram

ka veçori: verified account or profile

instancë e






koha e fillimit: 1 janar 1993

Republika Çeke[5]

koha e fillimit: 25 tetor 2000

emri në gjuhën amë

Andrej Babiš





data e lindjes

vëllau ose motra

Alexander Babis


Monika Babišová[16]

koha e fillimit: 29 korrik 2017

place of marriage: Stork's Nest


Andrej Babiš jr

nëna: Beata Adamovicova

Adriana Bobekova

nëna: Beata Adamovicova

Vivien Babišová

nëna: Monika Babišová

Frederik Babiš

nëna: Monika Babišová

number of children


gjuhë amtare

gjuhë që flet, shkruan ose këndon



pozicioni që ka mbajtur

Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

koha e fillimit: 29 janar 2014

member of cabinet: Bohuslav Sobotka's Cabinet

koha e përfundimit: 24 maj 2017

Finance Minister of the Czech Republic

replaces: Jan Fischer

koha e përfundimit: 24 maj 2017

koha e fillimit: 29 janar 2014

zëvendësuar nga: Ivan Pilný

member of cabinet: Bohuslav Sobotka's Cabinet

Prime Minister of the Czech Republic[18]

member of cabinet: Andrej Babiš' First Cabinet, Andrej Babiš' Second Cabinet

koha e përfundimit: 17 dhjetor 2021

series ordinal: 12

koha e fillimit: 6 dhjetor 2017

zëvendësuar nga: Petr Fiala

replaces: Bohuslav Sobotka

Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic[19]

koha e përfundimit: 26 tetor 2017

koha e fillimit: 26 tetor 2013

parliamentary term: 7th Czech legislature

elected in: 2013 Czech legislative election

Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic[19]

koha e fillimit: 21 tetor 2017

parliamentary term: 8th Czech Legislature

elected in: 2017 Czech legislative election

Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic[20]

koha e fillimit: 9 tetor 2021

parliamentary term: 9th Czech Legislature

elected in: Czech legislative election 2021

arsimuar në

University of Economics in Bratislava



anëtar në partinë politike

ANO 2011[22][23]

koha e fillimit: 2012

parliamentary group


koha e fillimit: 30 tetor 2013

koha e përfundimit: 26 tetor 2017


koha e fillimit: 24 tetor 2017

candidacy in election

Czech legislative election 2021[22]

zonë zgjedhore: Ústí nad Labem Region

reprezenton: ANO 2011

results: -elect

candidate number: 1

age of subject at event: 67 years old

anëtar në partinë politike: ANO 2011

2023 Czech presidential election[25]

rangu: 2

votat e pranuara: 1.952.213

nominated by: Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

results: second voting round

age of subject at event: 68 years old

candidate number: 7

anëtar në partinë politike: ANO 2011

gjendje mjekësore

Sëmundja koronavirus 2019[26]

announcement date: 20 tetor 2022

koha e fillimit: tetor 2022

pjesëmarrës në

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018[27]

referuar si: Andrej Babis

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019[28]

referuar si: Andrej Babiš

owner of

Blakey Finance Limited

proporcioni: 1

koha e fillimit: 2009

çmime të marra

Boulder Prize[29]

awarded for period: 2018

përshkruar nga burimi


referuar si: Babiš, Andrej, 1954-

Records of persons of interest[31]

code name


përdorur nga: StB

net worth Czech koruna[33]

data: 2020

social media followers


X numeric user ID: 713035525

data: 3 shkurt 2023


emri në Instagram: andrejbabis

data: 2 tetor 2023


Facebook ID: AndrejBabis

data: 2 tetor 2023

kategoria në Commons

Andrej Babiš

kategoria kryesore

Category:Andrej Babiš


  1. ^ Treccani's Enciclopedia on line, 12 mars 2022
  2. ^ Google Knowledge Graph
  3. ^ https://www.personality-database.com/profile/9262/andrej-babi-governmenteurope-mbti-personality-type, Andrej Babiš MBTI Personality Type: ENTJ, 20 korrik 2022
  4. ^ Datoteka e Autoritetit Virtual Ndërkombëtar, 8 mars 2015, 85365171
  5. ^ 22 janar 2023, 22 janar 2023, Seznam Zprávy, https://web.archive.org/web/20230122122541/https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/domaci-babis-babis-a-ceske-obcanstvi-pomohla-mu-zmena-zakona-223761, Wayback Machine, çekisht, Babiš a české občanství. Pomohla mu změna zákona, https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/domaci-babis-babis-a-ceske-obcanstvi-pomohla-mu-zmena-zakona-223761
  6. ^ a b inferred from person's full name
  7. ^ GND, 14 maj 2014
  8. ^ http://www.vlada.cz/en/clenove-vlady/andrej-babis-115426/
  9. ^ The Fine Art Archive, 9 tetor 2017, Andrej Babiš, 127677
  10. ^ andrej-babis, 9 tetor 2017, Andrej Babiš, Brockhaus Enzyklopädie
  11. ^ a b xx0009631, 23 nëntor 2019, Czech National Authority Database
  12. ^ Great Norwegian Encyclopedia, Andrej_Babiš, Andrej Babiš
  13. ^ a b Records of persons of interest, http://svazky.cz/test/svazkyMT.php?jmeno=Andrej&prijm=Babis&dnar=02.09.1954&hledej=Hledat
  14. ^ 00000029773, 9 tetor 2017, Andrej Babis, Munzinger Personen
  15. ^ GND, 23 dhjetor 2014
  16. ^ Blesk, https://www.blesk.cz/clanek/celebrity-ceske-celebrity/483973/online-miliardarska-svatba-andreje-babise-moniku-si-vzal-po-23-letech.html, 14 tetor 2020, 29 korrik 2017
  17. ^ a b c The Fine Art Archive, https://cs.isabart.org/person/127677, 1 prill 2021, 127677
  18. ^ Prime Minister, Andrej Babiš, anglisht, https://www.vlada.cz/en/vlada/, Members of the Government | Government of the Czech Republic, 13 gusht 2021
  19. ^ a b 6150, 15 janar 2020, Q81708460
  20. ^ Q108462164, 12 tetor 2021, https://www.volby.cz/opendata/ps2021/ps2021_opendata.htm
  21. ^ https://www.volby.cz/pls/ps2021/ps111?xjazyk=CZ&xkraj=6&xstrana=20&xv=1&xt=2, 29 gusht 2021
  22. ^ a b Q108462164, 8 shtator 2021, https://www.volby.cz/opendata/ps2021/ps2021_opendata.htm
  23. ^ Naši politici, https://nasipolitici.cz/detail/andrej-babis, 17 janar 2022
  24. ^ a b Q81708460, 11 janar 2020, 6150
  25. ^ https://www.volby.cz/pls/prez2023/pe11?xjazyk=CZ&xv=1&xt=2, 6 janar 2023
  26. ^ novinky.cz, 20 tetor 2022, https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/domaci-babis-ma-covid-40412215, 20 tetor 2022
  27. ^ Davos 2018 Participant List, Andrej Babis - Prime Minister of the Czech Republic - Office of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
  28. ^ Davos 2019 Participant List, Andrej Babiš - Prime Minister of the Czech Republic the Czech Republic - Office of the Prime Minister of Czech Republic
  29. ^ https://www.sisyfos.cz/clanek/1319-zlaty-bludny-balvan-v-kategorii-druzstev-za-rok-2018-tomio-okamura-vera-adamkova-andrej-babis-a-dalsi-hvezdy-ceskeho-politickeho-nebe
  30. ^ Medvik, 9 tetor 2020
  31. ^ http://svazky.cz/test/svazkyMT.php?jmeno=Andrej&prijm=Babis&dnar=02.09.1954&hledej=Hledat
  32. ^ https://www.upn.gov.sk/projekty/regpro/zobraz/?typ=kraj&kniha=75&strana=18&zaznam=68924, 21 prill 2022
  33. ^ https://forbes.cz/nejbohatsi-cesi-2020/detail/andrej-babis/, Forbes Česko, 14 tetor 2020, 100 nejbohatších Čechů 2020, MediaRey