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Kjo është kutiza për artikulli India
भारत गणराज्य Bhārat Gaṇarājya Republika e Indisë
Gjuha Angleze, Gjuha Hindi
New Delhi
Forma e qeverisë
Republikë federative parlamentare
Narendra Modi
Pranab Mukherjee
3.287.590 km²
| (vlerësim 2009)
Dendësia e popullsisë
349 për banorë në km²
Rupia / 100 pais
15 Gusht 1947 - (Shpallur)
Himni kombëtar
Jana Gana Mana
Festa kombëtare
26. Janar Dita e Republikës
15 Gusht Dita e Pavarësisë
2 Tetor Gandhi Jayanti
Zona kohore
UTC + 05:00
Targat e automjeteve
Kodi i internetit TLD
Prefiksi telefonik
Harta të përgjithëshme
Map of India
Map of India
Map of India
Labelled map of India showing international borders, state borders, district borders, rivers and lakes
South Asia in local languages
Topographical map
Physical map
Physical map
Harta të njësive
Në këtë seksion janë paraqitur harta të njësive shtetrore, administrative dhe teritoriale.
States and territories of India
States and territories of India
Map of India with territories marked
{{left|Image:India disputed areas map.svg|India disputed areas}]
Maps of Kashmir
Divided Kashmir
Harta historike
Seksioni përmbanë harta historike të sipërfaqes së sotshme ku nodhet India si dhe harta të vendeve në përbërje të së cilave ishte kjo sipërfaqe.
Ancient India 600 BC
Maurya and Gupta Empires
Mauryan Empire
Mauryan Empire
Mauryan Empire
Gupta Empire
Indo-Greek Kingdom
Indo-Greek Kingdom
Kushan Empire
Gupta Empire
Gupta Empire
Gupta Empire
Kadamba Empire (450)
Rajput Kingdoms (7th-11th Century)
Kanauj Empire (750-900)
Rashtrakuta Empire (750-900)
Chola Empire
Chola Empire
Chola Empire
Delhi Sultanate during the Tughlaq dynasty 1320-1330
Delhi Sultanate under Iltutmish
South India in 1500
European settlements in India 1501-1739
Mughal Empire
Mughal Empire
Mughal Empire 1690
India 1700-1792
French India 1741-1754
Maratha Empire
British India 1860
British India, not including Burma
Revolt of 1857
Anglo-Mysore Wars
Anglo-Mysore Wars
Anglo-Mysore Wars
Partition of India
Old maps
This section hold copies of original general maps older than 70 years of this entry.
Hindustan in 1812 by Arrowsmith and Lewis
Map of Bengal 1893
Map of Eastern Bengal and Assam 1907
Ethno-linguistic maps
Languages of South Asia
Indo-arian languages
Dravidian languages
Cultural regional areas
Hindi Belt
Literacy rate
Literacy rate
Other maps
Geology map
Hills of India
Rivers of India
Rivers and lakes of India
Annual rainfall
Indian Summer
Wind Zone map
Natural hazards
Temperature map
Population density
Decadal growth rate
Air- and seaports
Geological map
Climatic zones
Annual rainfall
Average annual temperature
Climatic disaster risk
Earthquake zones
Flood zones
Sex ratio
Jewish communities
Satellite map