Lista e librave për Adem Demaçin dhe Lëvizjen e Bashkimit Kombëtar
Lista e librave për Adem Demaçin dhe Lëvizja e Bashkimit Kombëtar
Libra për Demaçin dhe Lëvizjen e Bashkimit Kombëtar
[Redakto | Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]- Sabri Hamiti, “Leja e njohtimit 1985” (poema dramatike “Kutia e zezë), 1985.
- Xhafer Shatri, “Pse dergjet në burg Adem Demaçi”, Bern, 1990.
- “Alternativa”, nr. 1-2, Lubjanë, 1990.
- “Alternativa”, nr. 5 Lubjanë, 1990.
- Agim Vinca, “Popull i pandaluar”, Prishtinë, 1992.
- Selatin Novosella, “Kosova ‘68”, Prishtinë, 1993.
- Hajdin Abazi, “Të paepurit”, Tiranë, 1993.
- Teki Dërvishi, “Palimpsest për Dush Kusarin”, 1993
- Adil Pireva, “Gjashtëdhjeteteta shqiptare”, Prishtinë, 1994.
- Selatinë Novosella, “Kosova ‘64”.Prishtinë, 1994.
- Sefedin Fetiu, “Alternativa e kuptimit”, Prishtinë, 1994.
- Selatin Novosella, “Kosova ‘75”, Prishtinë, 1995.
- Fazli Greiçevci, “Gjethet e përgjakuna”, Prishtinë, 1995.
- Bajram Kosumi, “Koncepti për subpolitikë”, Ferizaj, 1995.
- Ukshin Hoti, “Historia politike e çështjes shqiptare”, Prishtinë, 1996.
- Tafil Morina, “Mustafë Venhari –mësues qëndrese”, Prishtinë, 1998.
- Lëvizja Demokratike Shqiptar, “Materiale”, Prishtinë, 1998.
- Muhamet Pirraku, “Lëvizja popullore për faljen e gjaqeve, 1990-1992”, Prishtinë, 1998.
- Faton Abdullahu, “Dimensionet e identitetit qytetërues”, Prishtinë, 1999.
- Bardh Hamzaj, “Rrëfime për luftën dhe lirinë”, Prishtinë, 1999.
- Rexhep Qosja, “Paqja e përgjakshme”, Tiranë, 1999.
- Shyqri Galica, “Mesazhi kritik”, Prishtinë, 1999.
- Zymer Neziri, “Isa Demaj – jeta dhe veprimtaria atdhetare”, Prishtinë, 2000.
- Agim Zogaj, “Naim Maloku - dëshmi për për rrugën e lirisë”, Prishtinë, 2000.
- Muhamet Pirraku, “Për kauzën kombëtare 1997-1999”, Prishtinë, 2000.
- Safet Zejnullahu, “Lufta për Kosovën – flet komandant Remi”, Prishtinë, 2000.
- “Misioni i Çlirimit I dhe II” (përmbledhje artikujsh)
- Ibish Neziri, “Ahmet Haxhiu – një jetë të tërë në Lëvizjen ilegale”, Prishtinë, 2001.
- Bedri Islami, “E fshehta e hapur e Kosovës”, Prishtinë, 2001.
- Arif Imaj, “Feniksi i lirisë”, Tiranë, 2001.
- Xhemil Zeqiri, “Në mbrojtje (diplomatike) të çështjes shqiptare”, 2001.
- Skënder Zhitia, “Dëshmorët e UÇK-së të Zonës Operative të Llapit”, Prishtinë, 2001.
- Bardh Hamzaj, “Paqja e gjeneralit”, Prishtinë, 2001.
- Zymer Neziri dhe Ismail Gashi, “Avdi Kelmendi – jeta dhe veprimtaria atdhetare”, Prishtinë, 2002.
- Shefqet Jashari – Strofci, “Pse jemi kështu siç jemi?”, Prishtinë, 2002.
- Halit Katana, “Tri dimensionet e luftës çlirimtare të Kosovës”, Tiranë, 2002.
- Ismail Syla, “Prania e mungesës”, Prishtinë, 2002.
- Sabile Keçmezi – Basha, “Organizatat dhe Grupet ilegale në Kosovë 1991-1989”, Prishtinë, 2003.
- Et’hem Çeku, “Mendimi politik i Lëvizjes ilegale në Kosovë, 1945-1981”, Prishtinë, 2003.
- Fehmi Baftiu, “Kosova – krizë ndërkombëtare”, Prishtinë, 2004.
- Mehmet Hajrizi, “Sprova të çlirimit”, Prishtinë, 2004.
- Remzi Baloku, Ruzhdi Baloku, “Organizata për Bashkimin e Trojeve Shqiptare”, Pejë, 2004.
- Hakif Bajrami, “Dosja Demaçi”, Prishtinë, 2004.
- Adil Pireva, “Vite shprese e qëndrese”, Prishtinë, 2004.
- Et’hem Çeku, “Shekulli i ilegales”, Prishtinë, 2004.
- Mehmet Bislmi, “Këtu i thonë Drenicë”, Prishtinë, 2004.
- Shkëlzen Gashi, “Marrëveshja për paqe të përkohshme”, Prishtinë, 2004.
- Agim Vinca, “Fije të pakëputura”, Shkup, 2005..
- Grup autorësh, “Masakra në burgun e Dubravës”, Prishtinë, 2005.
- Frrok Kristaj, “Imzot Nikë Prela”, Ferizaj, 2005.
- Azem Beqiri, “Dhimbje krenare”, Prishtinë, 2006.
- Selatin Novosella, “Demaçi – metaforë lirie”, Prishtinë, 2006.
- Nasho Jorgaqi, "Profile dhe probleme letrare", Tiranë, 2008.
- Xhemail Mustafa, "Mrekullia e shkrimit", Prishtinë, 1999,
Bibliografia e veprave, kryesisht në anglisht, për Demaçin, mendimet dhe veprat e tij
[Redakto | Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]Bibliografia është kryesisht në gjuhën angleze.
- The Former Yugoslavia at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century by Ian Jeffries, Inc NetLibrary, 2003.
- Kosova Express by James Pettifer, C. Hurts & Co (Publishers), 2005.
- Amnesty International Report 1978, published by Amnesty International, 1979.
- The Kosovo Conflict and International Law: An Analytical Documentation 1974-1999 by Heike Krieger, published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 2001.
- Winning Ugly: NATO's War to Save Kosovo by Ivo H. Daalder, Michael E. O'Hanlon, published by The Brookings Insitution, 2000.
- At War with Ourselves: Why America Is Squandering Its Chance to Build a Better World by Michael Hirsh, published by Oxform University Press, 2003.
- Experimenting with Democracy: Regime Change in the Balkans, edited by Geoffrey Pridham, Tom Gallagher, published by Routledge Studies of Societies in Transion, London, 2000.
- Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia by Louis Sell, published by Duke University Press, 2002.
- Annual Survey of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union 1997 by Peter Rutland, EastWest Institute, New York, 1998.
- Potentials of Disorder by Jan Koehler, Christoph Zürcher, Manchester Univeristy Press, 2003.
- Kosovo: An Unfinished Peace by William G. O'Neill, published in the United States of America in 2002 by Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- De Facto States: The Quest for Sovereignty by Barry Bartmann, Tozun. Bahcheli, Routledge, 2004.
- The Grooves of Change: Eastern Europe at the Turn of the Millennium, by James F. Brown Duke University Press, 2001.
- Humanitarian Law Violations in Kosovo by Fred Abrahams, published by Human Rights Watch, 1998.
- New Approaches to Balkan Studies by Dimitris Keridis, Ellen Elias-Bursać, Brassey’s Book Orders, 2003.
- Opportunities Missed, Opportunities Seized: Preventive Diplomacy in the Post by Bruce W. Jentleson, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2000.
- Kosovosko pitanje by Branko Horvat, Globus, 1988.
- Kosovo: The Politics Of Identity And Space by Denisa Kostovicova, Routledge, 2005.
- A Force More Powerful: A Century of Non-Violent Conflict by Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall, 2001.
- Kosovo: War and Revenge by Tim Judah, 2001.
- Frontiers and Ghettos: State Violence in Serbia and Israel by James Ron, 2003.
- History of the Present: Essays, Sketches, and Dispatches from Europe in the 1990s by Timothy Garton Ash, 2001.
- Madam Secretary: A Memoir by Madeleine Albright, 2003.
- The Albanian Question: Reshaping the Balkans by James Pettifer and Miranda Vickers, 2006.
- Ethnic Bargaining: The Paradox of Minority Empowerment by Erin K. Jenne, 2006.
- Guerrilla Radio: Rock 'N' Roll Radio and Serbia's Underground Resistance (Nation Books) by Matthew Collin, 2002.
- Yugoslavia as History: Twice there was a Country by John R. Lampe, 2000.
- The Fragmentation of Yugoslavia: Nationalism and War in the Balkans by Aleksandar Pavkovic, 2000.
- Kosovo: How Myths and Truths Started a War by Julie A. Mertus, 1999.
- Faith-Based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik by Douglas Johnston, 2003.
- Kosovo: A Short History by Noel Malcolm and University Pres New York, 1999.
- The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World by Joel Krieger, 2001.
- The Road to War in Serbia: Trauma and Catharsis by Central European University Press, Nebojsa Popov, and Drinka Gojkovic, 1999.
- Serpent in the Bosom: The Rise and Fall of Slobodan Milosevic by Lenard J. Cohen, 2002.
- Slovenia: From Yugoslavia to the European Union by Mojmir Mrak, Matija Rojec, and Carlos Silva-Jauregui, 2004.
- Civil Resistance in Kosovo by Howard Clark, 2000.
- The Politics of Serbia in the 1990s by Robert Thomas, 1999.
- Albania in Transition: The Rocky Road to Democracy (Nations of the Modern World Ser) by Biberaj and Elez Biberaj, 1999.
- Understanding the War in Kosovo by Florian Bieber, 2003.
- The Kosovo Conflict:A Diplomatic History Through Documents by Philip Auerswald, 2000.
- Thinking about Yugoslavia: Scholarly Debates about the Yugoslav Breakup and the Wars in Bosnia and Kosovo by Sabrina P. Ramet, 2005.
- Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond by Michael Ignatieff, 2001.
- The History of Serbia by John K. Cox, 2002.
- The Balkans in the New Millennium In the Shadow of War and Peace (Outcast Europe) by Tom Gallagher, 2005.
- Europe and the Recognition of New States in Yugoslavia by Richard Caplan, 2005.
- Taking Liberties: Four Decades in the Struggle for Rights by Aryeh Neier, 2003.
- Publishing in Yugoslavia's Successor States by Michael Biggins and Janet Crayne, 2001.
- Geopolitique de la Serbie-Montenegro (Geopolitique des etats du monde) by Catherine Lutard, 1998.
- Only the Nails Remain: Scenes from the Balkan Wars by Christopher Merrill, 2001.
- The Kosovo Tragedy: The Human Rights Dimensions by Ken Booth, 2001.
- From Town to Town: Local Authorities As Transnational Actors by Christian Wellmann, 1999.
- Rethink: Cause and Consequences of September 11 by Giorgio Baravalle, 2003.
- Masters of the Universe?: Nato's Balkan Crusade by Tariq Ali, 2000.
- Serbia Under Milosevic: Politics in the 1990s by Robert D Thomas, 1999.
- Kosovo Work in Progress: Closing the Cycle of Violence by Howard Clark, 2002.
- Milosevic and Markovic: A Lust for Power by Slavoljub Djukic, 2001.
- Peace with Justice?: War Crimes and Accountability in the Former Yugoslavia by Paul R. Williams, Michael P. Scharf, 2002.
- The New European Diasporas: National Minorities and Conflict in Eastern Europe by Michael Mandelbaum, 2000.
- Sandžak - porobljena zemlja: Bosna, Sandžak i Kosovo kroz historiju by Harun Crnovršanin, Nuro Sadiković – 2001.
- Imputato Milosevic: il processo ai vinti e l'etica della guerra by Massimo Nava – 2002.
- News Dictionary 1976, edited by Mary Elizabeth Clifford, Raymond Hill, Stephen Orlofsky, 1977.
- Geopolitique de La Serbie-Montenegro by Catherine Lutard, 1998.
- Die Beobachter der Balkankrise by Wolfgang Kaufmann , 2004.
- Publishing in Yugoslavia's Successor States by Michael Biggins, Janet Crayne, 2000.