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F1 Indianapolis 500 - 1952

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F1 Indianapolis - 1952
Data / Veni 30 maj, SHBA
Qarku Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Pol pozita Fred Agabashian, 4'20.85
Xhiro më e shp. Bill Vukovich, 1'06.60
Fituesi Troy Ruttman
I dyti Jim Rathmann
I treti Sam Hanks

Gara në Formula 1 e vitit 1952 për çmimin e madh të SHBA u mbajt më 30 maj, 1952 në Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Kjo ishte gara e dytë e kampionatit botërorë të këtij viti.

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Pozita Lëvizje Nr. Piloti Ekiüi Kualifikimi Pozita Xhiro Led Koha/Ngecja Pikë
1 7 98 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Troy Ruttman Kuzma-Offenhauser 135.360 18 200 44 3:52'41.88 8
2 10 59 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Jim Rathmann Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 136.340 7 200 0 +4'02.33 6
3 5 18 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Sam Hanks Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 135.730 14 200 0 +6'11.61 4
4 6 1 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Duane Carter Lesovsky-Offenhauser 135.520 16 200 0 +6'48.34 3
5 20 33 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Art Cross Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 134.280 26 200 0 +8'40.15 2
6 21 77 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Jimmy Bryan Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 134.140 27 200 0 +9'24.32
7 23 37 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Jimmy Reece Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 133.990 29 200 0 +10'35.24
8 14 54 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) George Connor Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 135.600 15 200 0 +12'00.61
9 9 22 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Cliff Griffith Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 136.610 6 200 0 +12'23.76
10 31 5 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Johnnie Parsons Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 135.320 19 200 0 +13'37.78
11 3 4 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Jack McGrath Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 136.660 5 200 6 +14'21.72
12 26 29 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Jim Rigsby Watson-Offenhauser 133.900 33 200 0 +16'05.10
13 16 14 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Joe James Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 134.950 22 200 0 +16'55.65
14 15 7 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Bill Schindler Stevens-Offenhauser 134.980 20 200 0 +18'48.66
15 13 65 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) George Fonder Sherman-Offenhauser 135.940 13 197 0 +3 xhiro
16 24 81 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Eddie Johnson Trevis-Offenhauser 133.970 30 193 0 +7 xhiro
17 8 26 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Bill Vukovich Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 138.210 2 191 150 mbetje 1
18 11 16 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Chuck Stevenson Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 136.140 9 187 0 +13 xhiro
19 12 2 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Henry Banks Lesovsky-Offenhauser 135.960 11 184 0 +16 xhiro
20 28 8 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Manny Ayulo Lesovsky-Offenhauser 135.980 10 184 0 +16 xhiro
21 33 31 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Johnny McDowell Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 133.930 32 182 0 +18 xhiro
22 29 48 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Spider Webb Bromme-Offenhauser 135.960 12 162 0 rrjedhja e vajit
23 22 34 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Rodger Ward Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 134.130 28 130 0 shtypja e vajit
24 30 27 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Tony Bettenhausen Deidt-Offenhauser 135.380 17 93 0 shtypja e vajit
25 4 36 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Duke Nalon Kurtis Kraft-Novi 136.180 8 84 0 kompresuesi
26 32 73 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Bob Sweikert Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 134.980 21 77 0 diferencialët
27 1 28 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Fred Agabashian Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 138.010 3 71 0 kompresori
28 18 67 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Gene Hartley Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 134.340 24 65 0 dëmtime
29 25 93 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Bob Scott Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 133.950 31 49 0 transmetuesi
30 27 21 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Chet Miller Kurtis Kraft-Novi 139.030 1 41 0 kompresuesi
31 19 12 Italia Alberto Ascari Ferrari 134.300 25 40 0 pjesa e prapme
32 17 55 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Bobby Ball Stevens-Offenhauser 134.720 23 34 0 gjysëm boshti
33 2 9 Stampa:Country data the United States (1912-1959) Andy Linden Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 137.000 4 20 0 pompa e vajit
  • Pol pozita Fred Agabashian - 4'20.85
  • Xhiro më e shpejtë: Bill Vukovich - 1'06.60
Garat Zvicra | Indianapolis 500 | Belgjika | Franca | Anglia | Gjermania | Holanda | Italia
Pilotët Ascari | Farina | Taruffi | Hawthorn | Fischer | Manzon | Ruttman | Villoresi | González | Behra | Rathmann | Hanks | Poore | Carter | Wharton | Brown | Bonetto | Thompson | Cross | Frerev | Trintignant | Vukovich | Hirt | Collins | Pietschv | Cabantous | Macklin | Downing | Balsa | Ayulo | Peters | McAlpine | Rosier | Whitehead | Krause | Bryan | Heeks | Graffenried | McDowell | Gaze | Bettenhausen | Ulmen | Helfrich | Moss | Crook | Schoeller | Étancelin | Salvadori | Laurent | Ward | Charrington | O'Brien | Parnell | Bira | Dusio | Carini | Webb | Sweikert | Johnson | Hamilton | Nalon | Lof | Murray | Griffith | Stevenson | Landi | Miller | Cantoni | Ball | Crespo | Scott | Schindler | Aston | Nacke | Linden | Simon | Brudes | James | Claes | Tornaco | Bianco | Parsons | Rigsby | Reece | Flinterman | McGrath | Banks | Niedermayr | Schell | Stuck | Bayol | Whitehead | Fonder | Connor | Abecassis | Hartley | Riess | Agabashian | Rol | Comotti | Klodwig | Brandon | Klenk
Konstruktorët Ferrari | Gordini | Frazer-Nash-Bristol | Cooper-Bristol | Maserati-Platé | Simca-Gordini-Gordini | Maserati-Platé | HWM-Alta | AFM-Kuchen | Veritas-BMW | Simca-Gordini-Simca

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